


(3) Do you think Eddie is a true friend? Why?

4. Ss read the dialogue in pairs. 5. T explains some language points. 1. Ss act out the dialogue and they are encouraged to add in something they like. 2. Discuss: Who do you like better as a friend, Eddie or Hobo? Why? 3. Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about their good friends. A model dialogue: A: Who’s your good friend?

B: …

A: What’s he/she like?

B: …

A: What do you think of your friend?

B: …

A: What makes him/her so special to you?

B: … Can you tell me something about your good friend?

T: Today we have learned some important qualities about a good friend. It seems that we all think appearance is not so important, but a friend should be helpful and honest. And I hope everyone can be like that and you will have more friends. 1. Describe a good friend of yours with the words and phrases learnt in this lesson.

2. Finish the Workbook exercises.


Unit 1          Friends

Phrases: have something to drink, make somebody happy/special, keep secrets, share one’s joy, believe what somebody says, talk to somebody about anything, clean and tidy Sentences: Do you want some?         Can I have something to drink?          What about some milk?      Can I have some more food too?          There’s nothing else in the fridge.


看完威廉希尔app 给大家带来的初二英语Friends教案怎么写,相信老师对教学计划有了更深的认识。更多参考资料尽在威廉希尔app 初中频道。


北师大版英语初二上册 An Interview on TV教案模板  

冀教版初二英语上册Getting to know you教案格式 



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