冀教版初二英语上册Getting to know you教案格式



1) Do they like Miss Cox’s surprise in their English lesson?

2) Why can the students call their English teacher “Miss” Cox?

3) What colour does Sandra love?

4) What does Sandra dislike?

5) What are Sandra’s interests?

Step 5: Explai n some new words and phrases (see Text Explanation of Lesson 3)

Step 6: Project 2

1) T: It’s a interview project. So you can be the host or hostes s now. You can ask any question that you are interested in. Let’s prepare some small cards for the interview first.

2) Guide the Ss to make interview cards like this:

Interview Chart 1


What He/She Loves?

What He/She Hates?

Interview Chart 2


What He/She Loves to Do?

What He/She Hates to Do?

Help the Ss remember some useful words for the charts. such as “food” , “clothes”, “animals” and “colours”. List the verbs that students know to fill in the charts.

Examp les of possible questions and answers:

Q: What is your favourite ?

A: My favourite is .

Q: What do you love/hate to do?

A: I love /hate to .

Q: Do you like to ?

A: Yes, I like to / No, I don’t like to .

Q: What do you like best about your school?

A: I like best.

Q: Who is your best friend?

A: is my best friend.

(Have Ss find a partner and take turns interviewing each other.)

T: Ask your partner those questions and write down their answers. Then fill in your charts.

(If time permits, collect the Ss answers and talk about the results of their interviews.)

3. Class Closing

T: Practise your likes and dislikes after class, It’s your oral homework and don’t forget the written homework in your activitybooks.let’scallitaday.bye,boysandgirls!

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八年级英语《Last Week on TV》教案设计  



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