


讲授新课前,做一份完美的教案,能够更大程度的调动学生在上课时的积极性,威廉希尔app 为老师们整理了外研版英语八年级下学期第六单元教案模板,希望给老师的教学带来帮助。


Knowledge objective

Key vocabulary—person, interest, skill, activity, sailing, result, pleasure, success

Key structures—as a result, as well as, come out, develop one’s interest

Ability objective

To get information about David’s hobbies.

To master the structure of the simple sentence.

Moral objective

To know more about other’s hobbies; To develop own interest in hobbies.


1. To learn some expressions in the passage.

2. To learn the simple sentences.


1. To get information from the article.

2. The use of as a result, as well as and such as.


PWP method, task-based method


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1  Warming up

Look at the pictures and guess what’s the hobby?

Step 2  Consolidate new words

Look and say. The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible.

Step 3  Pre-reading

Work in pairs. Talk about your hobbies. Use the words and expressions in the box to help you.

Work in pairs. Choose the words from the box to describe your hobbies.

Step 4  Listening

Listen to the passage and answer the questions.

Is writing one of David’s hobbies?

Who encouraged David to write about the experiences at the camp?

Answers: 1. Yes, it is.

2. David’s teacher.

Step 5  Reading

上文提供的外研版英语八年级下学期第六单元教案模板,大家阅读了吧。更多参考尽在威廉希尔app 。


八年级英语第五单元教案设计:Good manners 




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