


 提前做好教学规划,可以帮助教师理清新课时的教学思路,进而提高课堂效率。以下是威廉希尔app 为老师提供的初二年级英语第四单元教案设计,希望在老师的教学中能够有所帮助。

Teacher:YuZhaoxin Textbook:English (Student Book 4) Content:Unit 4 Lesson 30 Keep The Candle Burning Students:Junior two students Date:2008-04-08

Learning aims: 1. Learn the new words: match, light, burn, use up, shallow, candleholder, oxygen, one-fifth

2. Learn the important sentences: ① Light the candle. ② As the candle burns, it uses up oxygen in the air. ③ There is about one-fifth oxygen in the air, so the water rises and fills about one-fifth of the jar. Learning important and difficult points: 分数的表达法:口诀:分子基,分母序,分子>1,分母加s e.g. 5 1 one-fifth; 3 2 two-thirds Learning method: Listen, say, read and write. Learning steps: Setp1.Class opening 1.Revision :Which experiment did you learn in this unit? 2.Presentation

Step 2. Reading Read the new words and write.

Step 3. Experiment Watch the experiment.Sum up steps of experiment

. Step 4. Listening Listen to the tape and find out the useful expressions and the difficult points,and think about “what will happen?”.

Step 5. Explain and writing 1. light ①作动词:意思是点燃; ②作名词:意思是光,光线,灯; e.g.The light is too poor to read. There are two lights in our classroom. ③做形容词:意思是轻的,不重的; e.g.This coat is light but very warm. 2. use up 意思是耗尽,耗费; e.g.We have used up the ink. 3. 分数的表达法:口诀:分子基,分母序,分子>1,分母加s e.g. 5 1 one-fifth; 3 2 two-thirds Step 6. Do exercises Let`s do an experiment.Fist find a _______and then put it in the ________.Where do we put the candleholder?Out it in the _______._________the dish ________full of water.After that,we can________the candle.Let the candle ________for two or three minutes.At last put the jar ________the candle.What can we see?As the candle burns,it ________up oxygen in the air.When the candle stop ________,it has used up all the oxygen.The water inside the jar goes________. Step 7. Sum up 1. Master the words and expressions. 2. Master the experiment. Step 8. Homework 1. Understand the meaning of the text and do it in samll groups . 2. Remember the mastery words. 3. Finish the activity book in lesson 30. 4. The next reading.

看完威廉希尔app 初中频道推荐的初二年级英语第四单元教案设计,相信老师对教学设计、规划也有了更清楚的掌握,更多参考资料尽在威廉希尔app 。





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