



Unit 6  I’m more outgoing than my sister

The second period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary. Target language. Oral Practice. Grammar Focus.

2. Ability Objects

Learning skill. Writing skill. Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Handsome is that handsome does.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Oral practice. Grammar Focus.

III. Teaching Methods

Listening and writing methods. Communicative approach. Pairwork.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder. A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II 2a

Read the words in the box to students.

Funny 有趣的 serious 严肃的Outgoing (性格)外向的 quiet 安静的

Tell students smart and athletic are new words. Explain the new words and tell students what they mean.

Step III 2b

Ask students to look at the boxes with the headings. Tina is …, Tara is …

Listen to the recording again. This time write how Tina and Tara are different.Please write words in the boxes.

Step IV 2c Pairwork

Let students look at the chart in Activity 2c. Ask two students to read it. Tell students ***means Sam is taller than Tom.

Have students know they will talk about Sam and Tom in this activity.

Student A: Is Tom more intellectual than Sam?

Student B: (Look at the answer chart on page 97) No, Sam is smarter than Tom?

Step VI Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box. Ask a student to read the sentences to the class.

Write the word funny on the board. Circle the letter y and say, when a word ends y, the y changes to an I when you add –er. For example, funny – funnier.

Step VII Show some dialogue on the blackboard

Conversation 1:

A: Is that Mary?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s Peter. Peter is more carful than Mary.

A: Yes, Mary is more careless than Peter.

Conversation 2:

A: Is it Zoe?

B: No, it Wendy. Wendy is shorter than Zoe.

Conversation 3:

A: Is it Vera?

B: No, it’s not. It’s Mary. Mary is thinner than Vera.

Step VIII Summary and Homework

Today we’ve leant some words and learnt how to compare people. I hope you can study harder than ever. You can learn more knowledge and make more progress. After class, read the key vocabulary and learn them by heart.

Step IX Blackboard Design

Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister

Funny, funnier More athletic than

More intellectual than More serious than







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