


Listening and speaking methods. Communicative approach.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder.

A projector.

Some objects.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Make a simple drawing of a boy and a girl on the blackboard.

Judy is tall. Judy is taller than Bobby.

Then bring out two rules of different length. Say:

This is ruler. It’s Bobby’s ruler.(longer)

This is Judy’s ruler.(long)

Bobby’s ruler is longer than Judy’s.

Step III Show some new words on the blackboard.

Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.

Step IV 1a

Ask students to do this activity individually. Then check and answers.

Tall—short long hair—short hair thin—heavy calm—wild

Step V 1b

First tell students what the twins are. Twins are children born at the same time to the same parents, but not always.

Step VI 1c Pairwork

Ask two students to read the sample conversation to the class.

A: Is that Tara?

B: No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tara’s shorter than Tina..

Then have students work with a partner.

Make conversation work with a partner.

Step VII Pronunciation Note

Write one of the example sentences from the picture on the board circle the word than say. When we say the word than, we say it quickly. You don’t hear very much of the sound.

Step VIII Summary and Homework

Today we’ve leant the twins are having a concert. We’ve leant how to compare people. After class, give more practice, comparing your school things. Next class I’ll ask some of you to say your conversations OK? Now, class is over? See you!

Step IX Blackboard Design

Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister

Draw two people on the blackboard. One is Judy. The other is Bobby.

Judy is taller than Bobby. Bobby is shorter than Judy.



八年级英语上学期第二章教案:What’s the matter? 

八年级英语教案:Will people have robots教案



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