初二上学期英语第二章教案:What’s the matter?




The Fifth period

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary. Reading material. Group work.

2. Ability Objects

Reading skill. Writhing skill. Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Great Chinese culture.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Key vocabulary. Reading practice. Writing exercise. Groupwork.

III. Teaching Methods

Reading and writing methods. Groupwork. Communicative approach.

IV. Teaching Aids

A projector.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II New words

Open your books and turn to page 118. We’ll leant the new words of page 11.

Show a picture on the blackboard. Explain yin and yang in Chinese.

Step III 3a

Read the article to the class.

Now let students read the article and and underline each thing they should do.

Step IV 3b

Read the paragraph to the class, saying blank each time when come to a blankline.

Are you tired?

Eveyone gets tired sometimes. When you’re tired, you shouldn’t 1 . You should

2 for a few nights and you should 3 to stay healthy. You should also eat

4 and other healthy foods. You shouldn’t 5 when you are tired.

Step V 3c

First read the instructions.And then ask students to say some things to do when they have a cold.

Then ask some students to read their paragraphs to the class.

Step VI 4 Groupwork

Ask students to write the names on the blackboard. Then let them raise their hands voting for Dr. Know.

Step VII Homework

Write down the sentences about when you’re tired in your exercise book.

Step VIII Blackboard Design



初二英语教案:Where did you go on vacation教案 

八年级上册英语二单元教案:What’s the matter?  



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