初二上学期英语教案之What’s the matter教案



A: What's the matter? B: I have a sore throat.

A: What's the matter? B: I have a cold.

A: What's the matter? B: I have a stomachache.

A: What's the matter? B: I have a sore back.

A: What's the matter? B: I have a toothache.

—You should go to bed.

—He shouldn’t eat anything.

—She should see a dentist.








3. Read the phrases:

1).toothache / a. lie down and rest 2).sore throat/ b. hot tea with honey3).stomachache/ c. see a dentist4).fever/ d. drink lots of water

4. listen to the recording of four different conversations. People are talking about health problems they have and are getting advice from others. Draw lines to match the problems with the advice.

5. Look at the pictures on page 8. Ask them to listen again and fill in the blanks. Write the missing words on the blank lines.

V. Make a conversation of their own in pairs using the information from activities 2aand 2b.Take turns having problems and giving advice.

VI. Homework.

They read the phrases.

Listen to the tape for the first time, and match the problems with the advice.

fever → drink lots of water; sore throat→ hot tea with honey; stomachache→ lie down and rest; toothache→ see a dentist

They fill in the blanks like this.

1. I have a sore throat. 2. You should drink some hot tea with honey. 3. I have a toothache.

4. You should see a dentist. 5. I have a stomachache. 6. You should lie down and rest. 7. I have a fever. 8. You should drink lots of water.

They make conversations according to the listening matiarals.

A: What’s the matter? B: I have a sore throat.

A: Maybe you should drink some hot tea with honey.

B: That’s a good idea.





Today we try to know how to express your problems of our bodies and give the advice of solving the problems.



(M-Mrs Smith A-Alan D-Doctor)

M: Alan, it’s t________(66) to get up.

A: But I’m f________(67) tired and cold.

M: Oh. M________(68) you have a cold. Let me call the doctor.

(Ten minutes later...)

D: Open(张开) your m________(69), Alan. And say “Ah”.

M: Does he have a cold, doctor?

D: Yes, a bad cold. He must s________(70) in bed for three days.


设计Unit 2

Fever---- drink lots of water

Sour throat---hot tea with honey

Stomachache---lie down and rest

Toothache—see a dentist


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