初二英语教案之famous story教案设计



Step 1 Revision

1. Review the sentences (was /were + doing) that we have studied in Unit 1& 2.

2. Show some pictures to talk about the pictures.

Step 2 Language practice

1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class.

1) Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.

2) It was sitting in a tree and smiling at everyone.

3) They were having a tea party in the garden.

4) Where was it going?

2. Show some pictures to talk about the pictures.

3. Work in pairs.

4. Grammar: Past continuous

Step 3 Underline the correct words.

1. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 1.

1) Suddenly, all the lights in my house were going off / went off. There was heavy rain outside.

2) — I called you up at seven o’clock last night, but nobody answered it.

— Really? I’m sorry, but I was teaching / taught a piano lesson at school.

3) — I was seeing / saw you and Tom in the library just now.

— Oh, we showed / were showing several visitors around the school.

2. Underline the correct words.

3. Ask the students to check with a partner.

4. Check the answers:

Keys: 1. were having  2. went off  3. was teaching   4. saw, were showing

Step 4 Writing.

1. Ask the students to write sentences about what you were doing.

1) At about seven o’clock last night, _______________________.

2) This morning, on my way to school, ______________________.

3) This time last year, _________________.

4) Last Saturday, from about 1 pm to 4 pm, _____________________.

2. Work in pairs.

Step 5 Play a game.

1. Ask the students to read through the conversation in Activity 3.

A: At eight o’clock last night I was watching TV. How about you, B?

B: At eight o’clock last night I was sleeping. How about you, C?

C: At eight o’clock last night I was having dinner. How about you, D?

D: …

2. Work in groups of four. Play a chain game.

3. Write down what each member of your group was doing at eight o’clock last night.

Sun Li was watching TV at eight o’clock last night.

1) _________________________________.

2) _________________________________.

3) _________________________________.

4) _________________________________.



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