八年级英语教案:Welcome back!



Why don't you talk about names? 你为什么不谈论一下名字呢?

这是一个否定的特殊疑问句,表示劝说或建议,这个句子也可用“Why not + 动词原词?”

来表达同样的意思。如本句可改为:Why not talk about names?

What /How about …? 这一句型也表示建议可与上述句型转换。不过后面若跟动词时,


Why don't you go to ask the teacher? = What about going to ask the teacher?


Lesson 1

Teaching Objectives: Students should master the dialogues and useful expressions

Language FOCUS: Welcome (back) to…, on duty, have fun (doing sth) , best wishes, this term, the first lesson, call one’s name, because clause traffic (a), on time.

Properties: Tape recorder, some pictures, a calendar

Teaching Procedures:

I. organizing the class

Teacher: Good morning, class.

Students: Good morning, sir.

T: Welcome to school.

S: (They may have different answers, never mind)

II. Warming up

After a long vacation, students may feel hard to speak English, so give them a few minutes to talk about their holidays in groups.

III. Leading in

Go round the classroom and greet them individually “Good morning, welcome back to school” then get them to greet other students in the same way.

IV. Presentation

Take out some pictures with People doing things happily and show them to the students to learn and practice “have fun doing sth. eg. The children are having fun playing football”, “The farmers have fun working on the farm.” etc.

Call students’ names and help them answer “I’m here.” or “Here.” Then explain the phrase “call one s names” .

Draw a crowded street (many cars, people, buses and bikes, etc) and teach the phrase “bad traffic”, draw and teach “traffic limits” “traffic signs” to help students to grasp the meaning of “traffic”.

First write the phrase “on time” on the blackboard, then give them some example sentences, let them understand the meaning eg. “He lives far from school, but he gets up very early, so he gets to school on time,” etc.

V. Practise

Play the tape for the students to listen and read three times, then get them to read out by themselves. Play the tape two more times for them to repeat and practise . At last get them to act out the dialogue in front of the class.

VI. Presentation

Show students the calendar, and teach “Teachers’ Day” with a sign on Sept.

10th, “Women’s Day” when point to March 8th, “Children’s Day” pointing to June lst.

Get someone to clean the blackboard and say “Thank you for cleaning the blackboard for me.” Get some more students to do things and teach “Thank you for doing sth.”

Play the tape once for them to find any problem, then play it again for them to read and practise in pairs.

Act it out

VII. Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks

1. Welcome back ________School.

2. The boys always have fun ____ basketball (play).

3. The students say “here”____ the teacher call their names.

4. Mary always gets to school ____ time.

5. I m not ____ duty today.

6. I made a card ____ my friend Tom.

7. Thank you ____ your coming to see me.

Answers: 1.to, 2.playing, 3.when, 4.on, 5.on, 6.for, 7.for.

VIII. Homework

1. To make a card for your teacher, parents or friends.

2. To make sentences with: have fun (doing sth) on time, welcome …to

IX. Summary



初二英语教案Teaching plan for Honesty示例



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