


学习可以这样来看,它是一个潜移默化、厚积薄发的过程。威廉希尔app 编辑了初二英语教案Lesson82示例,希望对您有所帮助!

Period: The Second Period

Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

Teaching Aims:

1. Knowledge aim

Enable the students to understand the reading passage about Beethoven.

2. Ability aim

Let the students say something about Beethoven in their own words.

3. Emotion aim

Take correct attitude towards money.

Language Focus: afford to do, for fun, knock at, to one’s surprise, write down, hear sb. do/doing, dim, blind, shine (shone, shone)

Teaching Procedures:

a) Organizing the class

1. Ask the students to get ready for class.

2. Greetings between the teacher and the students.

3. A duty report.

b) Revision

T: Ask the students to say sentences with “could” and “-self”.

c) Reading

1. Pre-reading:

Ask the students the following questions before reading.

Do you like listening to music?

What do you know about Beethoven?

Can you play any musical instruments? How well can you play?

The teacher gives a brief introduction of Beethoven.

2. While-reading:

Ask the students to read the passage silently by themselves.

Ask the students to answer the reading comprehension questions.

Play the tape for the passage and ask the students to read after the tape.

Explain the language points:

(1) hear sb. do/doing

hear sb. do听到某人做了某事(表示动作发生了,动作全过程结束了)

I often hear her singing in the morning.

Did you hear him go out?

hear sb. doing听到某人在做某事(表示动作正在进行,处于进行过程中)

I heard someone knock at the door three times just now.

I heard someone laughing.

(2) afford to do:通常与can, could, be able to连用

We can’t afford to go away this summer.

They aren’t able to afford to buy a big apartment.

(3) for fun: in fun

He said it only for fun.

(4) dim: not bright, not clearly to be seen

(5) to one’s surprise: to the surprise of sb.

To my surprise / To the surprise of everyone, his plan succeeded.

3. After-reading:

Ask the students to retell the passage.

Ask the students to talk about their feelings after reading the passage.

Ask the students to work in pairs and then act it out.

d) Homework

1. Finish exercises on page 98.

2. Retell the passage.

3. Rewrite the passage.

e) Summary







1. We often hear her play the piano upstairs.

2. The girl and her brother both lost themselves in Beethoven’s beautiful music.

3. One evening Beethoven was walking in a street when he suddenly stopped outside a little house.

4. They are too poor to afford to buy tickets to the concert.



英语教案Lesson 94 

Lesson 95英语教案 



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