初二英语Lesson 87教案



聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。小编准备了初二英语Lesson 87教案,希望能帮助到大家。

Teaching Objectives: Finish reading the passage about the relay race and grasp one sentence pattern “not so/as. . .as. . .”

Language Focus: far behind, come on, bad luck, the finishing line, well done, congratulations to sb. on sth…not. . .as/so. . .as

Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision

1. Revise the vocabulary of sports meetings by retell the story on Workbook Lesson 86, Ex.3..

2. Ask the students to retell the passage about the relay race.

Step 2 Reading

1. Ask the students to guess which class won the relay race.

2. Ask the students to read the end of the story and see whether their guess is correct.

3. Explain the language points.

1)not far behind 在后面不远处

说一个物体离另一个物体(一处离另一处)很远或不远,用far from或not far from。

2) enough作adv. 修饰adj. 或adv.时,必须位于其后。作为adj. 修饰n. 时,一般位于其前,也可位于其后。

①The question is easy enough. We can work it out.

②The water is cool enough to drink. Let’s drink. We are all thirsty.

③Don’t worry. We have enough tickets for all of you.

3) Class 3 were the winners! class集体名词,指全体,是复数概念,所以were, winners 均为复数。类似的集体名词还有family, school等。

①His family are all sports lovers. They all like watching games.

②The whole school are shouting with joy at the good news.

4) congratulations to sb.on sth.

congratulate sb. on sth.

① –Congratulations to you on your good result!

– Thank you!

② Congratulate you on your good result!

4. Ask the students to read the story after the tape, and answer these questions:

Who won the race?

Who was second?

Who was third?

What happened to Wu Peng?

5. Get the students to make sentences using fast/faster than/fastest of all about the race.

Jiang Honglin ran fast. Lin Tao ran faster than Jiang Honglin. Wu Peng ran fastest of all.

Step 3 Presentation

Show these sentences form Part 1 Read, and revise the comparative and superlative forms of adverbs.

Lin Tao didn’t run as fast as Wu Peng.

Jiang Honglin did well. Wu Peng did better than Jiang Hong lin. Lin Tao did best of all!

well/ better/best  badl/worse/worst

Step 4 Read and learn

1. Call several pairs of students and make comparisons like:

A is tall. B is tall, too. →A is as tall as B. But A didn’t run as fast as B.

A studies as carefully as B.

A is as old as B.

A runs as fast as B.

A isn’t as/so hard-working as B.

A doesn't play basketball as well as B.

2. Show the pictures on Page 38, summarize the sentence pattern not as/so. . . as . Answer these questions:

Who did worse, Han Mei or Lucy?

Who did better, Lily or Han Mei?

Who did the worst of all?

Explain the meaning of rather=quite.

3. Ask the students to make sentences with “(not) as/so, ..as”.

The girls’ 100-metre race

Han Meimei     18"7 (not very well)

Lucy        20"91

Li Fang       21"8

The boys' long jump:

Li Lei        5, 15m (very well)

The girls' 100-metre race;

Han Meirnei didn't do very well. She did rather badly. Lucy did worse than Han Meirnei.

Li Fang did worst of all. Bad luck!

4. Practice: Ask the students to finish Exercise 3 on the book.

Step 5 Exercises in class


congratulate  good  start  far  bad

1. Lin Tao was first past the ________ line and Class 3 won.

2. Well done! ________, Han Meimei!

3. I got up early and hurried to the station, but the train had already gone.________ luck!

4. Lucy jumps much ________ than Lily.

5. Lily did rather________ in the shot-put, but Han Meimei did________ of all.

Keys: 1.finishing 2.Congratulations 3.Bad 4.farther 5.badly, worst


1. A tortoise is ________ than a duck.

2. The Changjiang River is ________ than the Yellow River.

3. Hares ran _________ than cats.

4. The peasants are ________ in autumn than in winter.

5. It is ________ in winter in Harbin than in Beijing.

6. Mary's handwriting is _________ in her school.

7. When spring comes, the weather gets ________ and ________.

8. Jenny usually gets up ________ than her sister.

9. The Mount Qomolangma is ________ mountain in the world.

10. Which is _________,the sun, the moon or the earth?

Keys: 1.slower 2.longer 3.faster 4.busier 5.colder 6.the best 7.warmer, warmer 8.earlier 9.the highest 10.the biggest

Step 6 Homework

1. Finish exercises on page 105.

2. Recite the end of the relay race.

3. Make ten sentences, using( not) as. . .as, than, of all, in. . . .respectively.

4. Finish the workbook exercise.

Writing on blackboard

Lesson 87

At last: Class 3 were the winners!

Make comparisons:

Lin Tao didn’t run as fast as Wu Peng.

Jiang Honglin did well. Wu Peng did better than Jiang Hong lin. Lin Tao did best of all!

well/ better/best   badl/worse/worst

A is as tall as B. But A didn’t run as fast as B.

A studies as carefully as B.

A is as old as B.

A runs as fast as B.

A isn’t as/so hard-working as B.

A doesn't play basketball as well as B.

上面就是为大家准备的初二英语Lesson 87教案,希望教师认真浏览,希望在教学能有所改善。



八年级英语教案Unit 24 



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