英语教案Lesson 92



Students read the story and try to retell it.

Step 7 Practice

Divided the students into small groups, have them tell a story about a famous person they know.

Step 8 Checkpoint

Go over the grammar Articles. Practise the “Useful expressions”. Discuss any questions that the students may raise.

Step 9 Exercise

Fill in the blankets with the right articles if necessary.

1. _______ English is ________ useful language.

2. _______ China is one of ________ largest countries in _______world.

3. He borrowed _______ dictionary from ________ school library.

4. _______ book on ________ desk is mine.

5. _______ Blacks visit China every year.

6. I’m good at playing ________ football but he isn’t.

7. What ________ exciting match it is!

8. ________ sun is much bigger than ________ moon.

9. She likes playing ________ piano very much.

10. He went to school before ________ breakfast this morning.

答案:1./, a  2./, the, the  3.a, the  4.The, the  5.The  6./  7.an  8.The, the  9.the  10./

Complete the conversation.

–Good morning. Can I help you?

–Yes. I’d like one of those T-shirts, please. A blue one.

–Right.   (1)  ?

–Large. I think.

–   (2)  ?

–Yes, please.

–Yes. this is fine.  (3)  ?

–£ 12.99.

–OK.  (4)  .

Keys: (1) What size do you want?   (2) Would you like to try? /Do you want to try?  (3) How much is it?  (4)I’ll buy it.

Step 8 Homework

1. Finish exercises on page 112.

2. Tell the stories to your friends (in English).

3. Review the grammar.

4. Finish off the workbook exercises.

Writing on blackboard

上面就是为大家准备的英语教案Lesson 92,希望教师认真浏览,希望在教学能有所改善。






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