



1. Be careful not to hurt        . It’s a new knife.

2. I don’t need any help. I can do it all by        .

3. –Did you enjoy        ?

– Yes, we enjoyed        very much.

4. She thinks more of others than of         .

5. He is too young to teach         English.

6. Help        to some cakes, children.


1. I hope to see you next week.

hope to do sth./that从句

e.g. She hopes to get a job overseas.

I hope you won’t be late.

2. There are many different ways to show respect to older people.

show respect to …

e.g. I have the greatest respect for you.

I respect you for your honesty.

3. All the buildings are supposed to provide special facilities for people in wheelchairs.

be supposed to do

e.g. You’re supposed to pay the bill by Friday.

provide sth. for sb.

Can you provide some drinks for us?

4. Do you give up your seat to an older person on a bus or a subway?

give up sth.

e.g. She didn’t give up her job when she got married.

5. Don’t you say “Please” when asking someone for something?

ask sb. for sth.

e.g. Jim always asks mom for some money.


1. He hopes       a doctor when he grows up.

A. /    B. to being    C. to be    D. being

2. There are some people who don’t show respect        the old in society.

A. to     B. in     C. at    D. of

3. Bill       give a lecture on Saturday afternoon.

A. is supposed to    B. was supposed to   C. be supposed to   D. supposed to

4. The government will provide food and drinks         the people who suffer poverty.

A. to    B. for   C. with   D. on

5. The doctor asks the old man to     smoking for it is bad for his health.

A. give up   B. put up   C. get off    D. put down

6. She always asks her mother       something to eat.

A. to    B. for    C. at     D. on



1. doesn’t, she, early, get up , mind


2. likes, by, brother, my, travel, train


3. like, take, to, I, a, bus


4. in, live, they, the, prefer, country


5. at, home, I, today, stay, to, prefer


6. feel, like, I, grandparents, my, visit




初二英语上册教案Unit 6 

外研版初二上册英语教案Traditional life 



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