初二英语《Where did you go on vacation?》教案



英语是一分非常有意义的一门学科,包含中国的传统文化,有着悠久的历史。下面是初二英语《Where did you go on vacation?》教案,欢迎参考!

一、 教学内容:Section A 1a—2c

二、 教学目标:









Step 1: Prevision


(1)stay ___________     (2)arrive _____________

(3)eat  __________   (4)buy _____________

(5)see __________   (6)feel ______________

(7 )have ____________  (8)am/is _____________

( 9 ) visit___________        (10 ) go_______________


go with someone_________     go out with someone _______

go to New York city______  buy something special_________

meet anyone interesting_________     study for________

do anything interesting _________

go to central park________

Step 2: Warming up

1、 Free talk: ask them about their vacation

2、 Did you have a nice summer vacation?

3、 Where did you go?

4、 What did you do there?

2、Show them my vacation to Yunnan.(pictures and activities)

Step 3: Presentation

1. Read the phrases and know their meanings.

stay at home_________       go to summer camp_________

go to New York city______  go to the mountains_________

visit my uncle_________     go to the beach_________

visit museums _______

2. Finish the task: match the activities with the pictures.

3. students read and remember the phrases.

Step 4: Listening

1. Ask Ss to read the names and guess what they did.

2. Listen and number the people in the picture(1b)

3. Check the answers by using the following questions.

Where did Tina/Xiang Hua/Sally/Bob/Tom go on vacation ?


4. Listen to the tape and repeat.

5. Ask the Ss to guess the meaning of the new words below with the three conversations.

everyone_________                everything _______

nothing______                 anything_________

anything interesting_________     any________

anywhere _________

Step 5: Listening (2a,2b)


According to the free talk, ask Ss some questions such as:

Q1. Did you go with anyone?

Q2. Did you buy anything special?

Q3. Did you meet anyone interesting?

Q4. Did you do anything interesting?

Q5. Did you go out with anyone?


2、Listening practice (2a,2b)

1、Look at the picture, who went on vacation and write down where they went.

Finish the task and check the answers.

2、Look at the form in activity 2b, read the words and know their meanings.

go with someone_________     go out with someone _______

go to New York city______  buy something special_________

meet someone interesting_________     study for________

do something interesting _________

go to central park________

3、Listen again and finish the form

4、Listen for the third time and repeat after the tape.

Step 6: Practicing

Role –play conversations between Grace, Kevin and Julie with four questions in the two forms.

A: Grace, where did you go on vacation?

B: I went to …

A: Oh, really? Did you go with anyone?

B: …

A: Did you go to Central Park?

B: …

A: Did you buy anything special?

B: …

Step 7: Summary

1、 Review the past tense of regular and irregular verbs.

2、 Get the Ss to know the use of some indefinite pronouns.

Step 8: Homework

1、 Read and recite the new words after class.

2、 Discuss the use of indefinite pronouns in groups.

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的初二英语《Where did you go on vacation?》教案,小编真诚地希望我们每一位教师能实实在在教课程,轻轻松松的学习;每一课都能陪伴同学们度过一段幸福快乐的时光!

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