精选初一上册英语知识点复习:Unit7 How much are these socks



威廉希尔app 初中频道为您整理了精选初一上册英语知识点复习:Unit7 How much are these socks,希望帮助您提供多想法。和小编一起期待学期的学习吧,加油哦!

1. 重点短语

7美元 7元 7英镑 一双红色的袜子 a pair of red socks = a pair of socks in red

两双黄色的鞋 two pairs of yellow shoes= two pairs of shoes in yellow

一条绿色的短裤 a pair of green shorts =a pair of green shoes in green

这双蓝黄相间的袜子 this pair of yellow and blue socks

一双两美元 two dollars for one pair 两双三美元 three dollars for two pairs

一顶色的帽子 an orange hat = a hat in orange

一件棕色的长T 恤

一件白色的短毛衣 一顶紫色的小帽子 需要去做某事 need to do sth 帮助某人去做某事 help sb (to) do sth

帮助某事某事 help sb with sth 我们大特价 at our great sale

削价出售 on sale= at a great sale 大降价 big sale

以低的价格 一个服装店 a clothes store 两名男老师 two men teachers

三名女医生 three women doctors 一个水果店 a fruit shop

蔬菜/水果沙拉 fruit/vegetable salad come here 来这 go there 去那 come/go home 回家 给某人买某物 buy sth for sb =buy sb sth

从某人某地那买某物 buy sth from +地点/人 把…卖给某人 sell sth to sb

2. 重点句子

1. 这件T-shirt 多少钱?

How much is this T-shirt?= What’s the price of this T-shirt?


How much are these trousers?=What’s the price of these trousers?

3. 一双袜子多少钱?

4. 两条短裤多少钱? 5. 你要买点什么?有什么需要帮助的吗?我要买…

Can I help you?= What can I do for you? = What do you want/need?

Yes, please. I need/ want .. No, thanks.

6.我需要一件上学穿的毛衣。7. Mary

需要买一条裤子。8.这(双)个怎么样? How about this one/ pair?

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的精选初一上册英语知识点复习:Unit7 How much are these socks,大家还满意吗?希望对大家有所帮助!


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