初一英语下册知识点:《Unit 1 Where's your pen pal from》



Step 4 Competition

Two groups of students to write the new words to see which group does better. First write down the Chinese words with looking at the English meanings, then write down the English words with looking at the Chinese meanings.

(This step is a memory game. It can help the Ss consolidate the new words they learned)

Step 5 Pairwork

1c Practise the following conversation:

---Do you have a pen pal? ---Yes, I do.

---Where's your pen pal's from? ----He/She is from ....(Write it down on the Bb)

First T has a conversation with one student as an example then let the Ss practise in pairs. At last let several pairs do it again in class.

Step 6 Leading-in

Revise the countries names with looking at the Bb. Then T writes down the city names on the Bb. Let the Ss try to find out which countries the cities are in. The city names are following:

Toronto; Paris; Tokyo; New York; Sydney; Singapore; London;

Step 7 Learning

2a Learn the city names together with the whole class just like Step 2

2b Listen and circle the cities and countries

2c Listen and complete the chart

Have a similar competition to consolidate the new words in this part.

Step 8 Pairwork

T has a conversation with one student like the following:

---Do you have a pen pal? ---Yes, I do.

---What's your pen pal's name? ---His/Her name is....

---Where is your pen pal from? ---He/She is from...

---Where does he/she live? ---He/She lives in....(Write it down on the Bb)

Let the Ss practise after the T's example in pairs then several pairs do it in class.



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