



(1)What's …plus…? It's…

(2)What's …minus…? It's…

(3)How old…?

(4)What's this in English?

(5)in English

(6)an English car

(7)a Japanese jeep

(8)I don't know.

(9)I think he is two.

(10)This is Li Lei.这是李磊。


(11)Is that Tom?

(12)How are you? -Fine, thanks.

(13)Is Bill in? =Is Bill at home?

(14)Is your friend a boy or a girl?

(15)That's right.

(16)That's wrong.

(17)She is at home.

(18)He is at school.

(19)Where is she?

(20)Excuse me, is this your book?

(21)Here you are. -Thank you.

(22)Thank you. -That's all right.

-That's OK. -You are welcome.

(23)It's very good. -Thank you.

(24)Come in, please. -Thank you.

(25)on duty

(26)Who's on duty today?

(27)Are we all here?

(28)Who isn't at school today?

=Who isn't here today?

(29)two new students

(30)welcome to our class

(31)Please sit down over there.

(32)Are you English?

(33)look after the twins

(34)This way, please.

(35)in the same row

(36)put our coats here

(37)put them here

(38)Let's go.

(39)twin sisters

(40)twin brothers

(41)look at the picture

(42)Can I see your licence?

(43)have a big family

(44)go to the same school in Beijing

(45)You look like Lucy's hat.

(46)go to No. 2 Middle School

(47)Can you guess?

(48)have a seat =sit down

(49)on the desk

(50)behind the chair

(51)under the bed

(52)near the door

(53)What can you see in the room?

(54)Can you see a book?

(55)a picture of a classroom

(56)There is a map on the wall in the room.

(57)a map of China

(58)The door is locked.

(59)We must find Miss Gao.

(60)Can you help me?

(61)Can I help you?

(62)Isn't it in your bag?

(63)There is some money in it.

(64)Let me help you find it.

(65)Don't worry.

(66)There's a purse in here.

(67)What colour is your purse?

(68)a tree house

(69)like to play

(70)a Young Pioneer

(71)How many children are there in your class?

(72)There is only one.

(73)They're at work.

(74)Let me count.

(75)Are there any pears in the picture?

(76)There isn't a cat here.

=There is no cat here.

(77)There are not any cats here.

=There are no cats here.

(78)come on

(79)a little cat

(80)Can't you see?

(81)a very nice sweater

(82)It looks very nice.

(83)I want a sweater like this.

(84)The man in the green car is his father.

(85)The girl in red is Lucy.

(86)come here

(87)Whose is this shirt?

(88)Whose shirt is this?

(89)Let me have a look.

(90)put on

(91)What about…?

=How about…?

(92)What's the time?

=What time is it?

(93)give it to Mr. Hu

(94)It's time to get up.

(95)go home

go to school

go to the classroom


eight five =five past eight


eight fifteen=fifteen past eight=a quarter past eight8:30

eight thirty=half past eight


eight forty-five =fifteen to nine=a quarter to nine8:55

eight fifty-five=five to nine


two to two to two two

(97)half past one

(98)It's time for lunch.

(99)It's time for break.

(100)play games

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