





1. Rice and bread are my favorite f_____.

2. Meat and fish are h_______ food.

3. People in China like to eat n_______ on their birthday.

4. You can eat some m_____ when it is hot in summer.

5. Carrots are healthy food. They are v_________.


Candy isn’t __________ (health) food.

________ (tomato) are good for us.

________ (have) she got any melons?

I can’t see ______ (some) food on the table.

I like to eat ______ (fish).

Coke and ice cream are _____________ (health) food.

They have got some ______ (milk).

Betty _______ (like) to play computer games.

He ___________ ( not have) got a pen.

There are some ________ (fish) in the river.


Do you like ______?

A. banana B. apples C. a juice D. any carrot

Would you like _____ milk?

A. any B. some C. a D. two

Have we got any ______?

A. potatos B. porks C. tomatoes D. a beef

She ________ some healthy drink

A. hasn’t got B. haven’t got C. has got D. have got

Coke isn’t good for your _______.

A. healthy B. health C. leg D. lesson

I have an egg _____ breakfast.

A. in B. for C. at D. on

There ______ some fish in the fridge.

A. is B. are C. has D. have

Meat and fish ______ healthy food.

A. is B. are C. has D. there are

______your father got a pen?

A. Have B. Do C. Has D. Does

Is English your favorite _______?

A. subject B. film C. music D. food



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