上海牛津版初一英语上册Unit 1:Making friends练习题



A.高兴的 B.伤心的 C.嫉妒的 D.傲慢的 ( )43. If you are old enough, you can________.

A. hold the baby B. help to bath it C. walk it around the house or garden D. A, B&C ( ) 44. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. You should always ask Mum or Dad before you do anything for the baby. B. Your mum is likely to be very tired if the new baby wakes a lot during the night.

C. If you feel jealous, you are a bad kid.

D. If everyone in the family helps to take care of the baby, it will be very happy to be part of such a family.

( ) 45. The best title of the passage is“________”.

A. The only child in the family B. Helping parents with housework C. Having a new baby in the family D. How to look after yourself B)以所给的六个单词中选出五个补全对话 。(共5小题,每小题1分)

A: Hello! I'm Bob. What's your name? B: Tommy. Nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you, too. Are you a (46) ________student?

B: Yes, I am new here. Can you (47) ________ me something about our class? A: You are lucky, because all the teachers and classmates are very (48)

________What's your favorite (49) ________?

B: English and math. By the way, (50) ________ many students are there in our class?

A: 47 before, but now 48. Welcome to our class! B: Thanks a lot.


A: Do you have an e-friend? B: Yes, I do.

A: (51) ______________________________________________________________ B: She is from Japan. She is a nice girl.

A: (52) ______________________________________________________________ B: Twice a month. We have many things to talk about.

A: (53) ______________________________________________________________ B: She likes English and art best.

A: (54) ______________________________________________________________ B: She likes listening to music and traveling. She plans to come to China for the winter holiday.

A: Good news for you. (55)______________________________________________ B: I hope so. I will show her around our city and tell her more about China. IV.用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。(共5小题,每小题2分) 56. After three hours' hard work, she________ (complete) the work at last. 57. Jack comes from________ (German), but he lives in Japan now. 58. Lily has two e-friends from different________ (country). 59. She is a teacher, while her elder bother is an ________ (engineer).

60. When your parents are not at home, you should take care of________ (you). V.书面表达。(15分) A)看图写话。(5分)


提示:记者(reporter)玩电脑游戏(play computer games)

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B)大作文。(10分)

假设你是陈静,在你们的第一堂英语课上,英语老师Mrs Brown要求大家用英语作自我介绍。请根据下表提供的信息介绍自己。要求:70词左右。




I. l-5 CDABC

6-10 ABCAB

11-15 CCCAC 26-30 BCDAB 36-40 DBABC 51-55 CAFBE

57. Germany

58. countries 41-45 CCDCC 16-20 BBCBB

II. 21-25 DABCC III. 31-35 CCADA

46-50 BAEDF IV.

56. completes

59. engineer 60. yourself

V. (One possible version)

A) My e-friend Alan is from America. He has short hair. There are five people in his family --- his parents, his two elder sisters and him. Alan's favorite subjects at school are Music and Maths. He likes listening to music and playing computer games in his free time. His dream is to be a reporter.

通过威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的Making friends练习题,大家做完之后是不是又有新的体会了,祝大家学习进步。


初一上学期英语《Welcome to our school》练习题 

冀教版初一英语课后练习:Welcome to our school习题 


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