冀教版初一英语课后练习:Welcome to our school习题



B. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

41. I think Rafael Nadal is the         (good) tennis player in the world.

42. Mrs Wu is having a           (meet) now.

43. I like your photos. Can you show           (they) to me?

44. There are about 20         (build) in our school.

45. Mum, can you come to the         (parent) meeting tomorrow?

C. 阅读对话,从方框中选择合适的词语,并用其正确形式填空。

have a look at, far away from,

get to, all kinds of, say hello to

Andy: Wendy, here is a mail (邮件) for you.

Wendy: Thanks. Ah, it is a present (礼物) from my uncle. It’s a book.

Andy: Can I (46)                 it?

Wendy: Of course. Here you are. I like reading, so my uncle often gives me

(47)                 books.

Andy: That’s great. But why does he give the book to you by mail?

Wendy: Because he lives (48)                  us. It may take him two hours to

(49)                 my home.

Andy: I see. Your uncle is so nice. Please (50)                 him for me.

Wendy: Thanks. I will.

五. 请阅读短文,并根据短文内容完成后面的表格。每空一词。 (每小题1分,共10分)

Wang Fang is 25 years old. She is a girl in Sichuan. She works in a middle school about 3 km away from her home. She walks to the school every Sunday afternoon, and on Friday afternoon she walks back home. On weekdays, she lives at school.

Her school is a Hope Middle School. It doesn’t have tall buildings. There are only 200 students and 15 teachers in it. Wang Fang doesn’t get much money, but she loves working there. She teaches Grade 7 students Chinese. She loves her work and students. She enjoys teaching her students and playing with them. She eats and lives with them, too. “They are like (像) my younger sisters and brothers. Teaching them is like sharing love,” she says.

Wang Fang has a wish (愿望). “I want to help children learn to be good people. I hope every child can live a happy life.”

Wang Fang and her work

(51)         25

Working place A (52)         Middle School

Life She (53)         to the school.

She teaches (54)         at school.

She eats, plays and (55)

with her students.

Her thoughts (想法) about her

(56)         and the students The children are like her younger sisters and (57)        .

Teaching the children is like sharing (58)        .

Her (59)         The children can be good people and live a (60)         life.

六. 根据要求完成下列句子。每空一词。(每小题3分,共15分)

61. My cousin walks to school every day. (同义句改写)

My cousin          to school                   every day.

62. It takes me about an hour to do my homework every day. (对划线部分提问)

it take you to do your homework every day?

63. 我每周都从图书馆借两本书。(完成句子)

I          two books          the          every week.

64. 我很乐意带你们参观我们的学校。(完成句子)

I’d like to                            our school.

65. 我每天都和我爷爷在电话里通话。(完成句子)

I talk to my grandpa                            every day.

七. 书面表达 (15分)


Name of the school: Moonlight Middle School

Favourite lesson           Favourite sport

Favourite place         How to go to school

My school life

Hello, Peter! I am in my new school now.

I enjoy my school life very much.


1-5 BBBDD  6-10 AACCD  11-15 DBCBA

16-20 CBCDB  21-25 CCBBA  26-30 CDBBD

31-35 BAABD

36. gate    37. hall    38. history   39. modern

40. Pardon  41. best    42. meeting   43. them

44. buildings  45. parents’   46. have a look at  47. all kinds of

48. far away from 49. get to  50. say hello to    51. Age

52. Hope   53. walks  54. Chinese

55. lives  56. work   57. brothers

58. love  59. wish   60. happy

61. goes; on foot

62. How long does

63. borrow; from; library

64. show you around

65. on the phone

One possible version:

My school life

Hello, Peter! I am in my new school now.

I study at Moonlight Middle School. My school is very good. And my favourite place in it is the library, because I like reading there. I like the playground, too. I like playing football there. And of course, I like all my lessons. My favourite lesson is Maths. I live near the school, so I go to school on foot.

I enjoy my school life very much.

通过威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的Welcome to our school习题,大家做完之后是不是又有新的体会了,祝大家学习进步。


初一上学期英语《Welcome to our school》练习题  

冀教版七年级英语《Teachers and students》练习题  


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