




1. -- I can’t find my pen. Can you lend _______ yours?

--Sorry, I’m using it ________.

A. I, myself B. me, me C. me, myself D. I, mine

2. –Oh, hi, Ann.

--Hi, Mary. Come in. Make ____________ at home.

A. you B. your C. yourself D. yourselves

3. --She is too busy to help ______ with the work.

--Let’s do it__________.

A. her, herself B. us, ourselves C. it, itself D. you, yourself

4. Tom, your father asked you to do it ___________.

A. itself B. yourself C. himself D. yourselves

方位介词(1). in在……里面:(2). on在……上面: (3). under在……下面 正下方:

(4).over在……正上方:(5) below 在……斜下方:

in 和on表示―在……上‖,门一类——镶嵌在墙里的,用in,字画一类——挂在墙面上的,on through通过,穿过 / across横过


―接壤‖在里——用in , A和B相邻(接壤)——用on , A和B不相邻(不接壤)——用to

1)at表示较小的地点。如:at the bus stop, at home 2)in表示较大的地点。如:in China, in the world

( ) 1 The boat is passing___ the bridge.

A. through B. below C. under D. across

( ) 2 Two planes are flying___ the city.

A. through B. over , C. on , D, below

( ) 3 We can see a river running to the east____ the hill.

A. under B. below C. over D. on

( ) 4 Do you see the kite ___ the building.

A. over B. cross C. on D. above

( ) 5 There are some birds singing___ the trees.

A. in B. on C. at D. from

( ) 6 There are so many apples___ that tree.

A. in B, on C. at D. from

( ) 7The United States is ____ the south of Canada and ___ the east of Japan.

A. to; in B. on; to C. in; beside D. at; on

( ) 8 The man stood____the window, watching the boys playing outside.

A. in B. by C. with D. to

( ) 9 Japan lies____ the east of China.

A. on B/ to C. in D. with

() 10 Uncle Wang arrived____ No. 14 Middle School half an hour ago.

A.at B. in Cto D. /

( ) 11 My uncle lives ____ 88 Beijing Street.

A. to B. of C. at D. on

( ) 12 They are waiting ___ a bus ___ the bus stop.

A. for; in B. on; at C. with; at D. for; at


stand_________ swim_________ play__________ watch________

skate _________ run__________

sleep_________ jump_________ walk_________ ride__________ clean_________ make________ wash_________ do____________ go__________ listen_________ play __________ come_________ sing__________ have_________ write________ dance_________ sit___________ read_________

二、 用括号中动词的适当形式填空:

1. My parents _______(watch)TV now.

2. Look. Three boys _______(run).

3. What _______ your mother _______(do) now?

4. _______ your dog _______ now?(sleep)

5. _______ you _______(listen) to music? Yes, I am.

6. Look, Miss Chen _______ football.(play)

7. Tom and his sister _______(wait)for you over there.

8. Now Class 3 and Class 4_______(have)a test.

9. Listen, someone _______(sing)in the classroom.

10. ——Where is Zhang Yan?

——She _______(talk)with her teacher in the teacher’s office.

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的上海牛津版初一英语module4专项训练就到这里了,希望大家在新的学期里生活愉快,学习进步。





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