


要对知识真正的精通就必须对知识进行活学活用,下面是威廉希尔app 为大家带来的2016七年级英语下册unit课时训练,希望大家通过这个能真正的对知识灵活运用。


1.        does it take to get to school?

Twenty minutes.

A. How      B. How far    C. How long    D. How many

2. 一         it  from the radio station?

一It’s about 5 kilometers.

A. How long    B. How far   C. How much    D. How  many

3.一How do you          school?

一I take the train.

A. get   B.get  to     C. arrive      D.arrive to

4.I walk to school every day.____?

A. What about you do   B. What do you       C. How about you D. What about your

5. How do the students get to school         Monday  morning?

A. on     B.in     C. at      D.for

6一.       your teacher____home?   'Yes, sh e does.

A. Do; drive      B.Does; drive    C. Do; drives     D. Does   drives

7.1 never go to school by bus ; I walk to school      .

A. usually        B. sometimes       C. often     D. every day

8. He has to take a boat        to work.

A. get     B.to get     C. got     D. gets

9. 一How does your father go to work?   一He        a bus there every day.

A.takes      B.ride    C. walks     D. goes

10.一How many Chinese players (运动员) are there in the 2012 London Olympics (奥运会) ?

一About          .

A.three hundred    B.three hundreds   C.three hundred of     D.three hundreds of

11.How do you get____from the bridge?  一On a ropeway.

A. to home    B. to school        C.to here      D. the room

12. Nancy loves          stories for children.

A. write      B. writes     C. to write    D. wrote

13. How long        it         to get to his home?

A.do; take    B. do ;  takes   C. does;  take    D. does ; takes

14. Mr Han has a        son and he is happy.

A. 3 year old         B. 3-year-old   C. 3-years-old   D. 3 years old

15. What do you       this new club,?      It’s nice and big.

A. get to      B. think of      C. live to  D. go to

16.It usually takes about ten minutes ____to school.

A. by bike    B. on a bike    C.to ride     D. ride


1. They go to school by train。(就画线部分提问)

do they        to school?

2.It  takes about 20 minutes to go there by bus.(就画线部分提问) " -

does it         to go there by bus?

3.It’s 5 kilometers from my home to school.( 就画线部分提问)

is it from         home to school?

4. The boy often rides bike to school. (就画线部分提问)

often ____a bike to school?

5.1 need to see my friend。(就划线部分提问)

do you need                  ?


1. 一                   people are there in the picture?


2. 一                 does she read every day?

一Three hours.

3. 一                  does he have music class?

一Twice a week.

4. 一                  is it from our school to here?

- About 1,000 kilometers.

5. 一                  money does Linda want

一 1,000yuan.


1. The boy is only six       (岁)old,but he can play the guitar.

2. You can take the bus to the train         ( 车站).

3. How many          (小船) can you see?

4. My           (梦想)is to go to France in 20l3.

5. My sister doesn’t go on a ropeway, she is very         (害怕)。


1. Can you tell me how         (get) your home.

2 .The two         (bridge.) are too old. The villagers want two new ones.

3.  Larry and Dick are waiting for you at the bus        ( stop).

4. Lin Yue wants to know where David           (live).

5. The boy         (cross) the river.

6.It is easy         (write) a story in English.

7. The Brown likes       (see) a film on the weekend.

8.         (thank)for your help and I know how to do it.

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的2016七年级英语下册unit课时训练,大家仔细阅读了吗?更多同步练习,尽在威廉希尔app 。





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