Unit 2What can you do ?:七年级下学期英语随堂检测题



初中各科目的学习对同学们提高综合成绩非常重要,威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了七年级下学期英语随堂检测题,欢迎阅读与选择!

(  ) 1. —Can Tim play ______ football?

—Yes. And he can play ______ piano too.

A. the; the             B. the; 不填      C. 不填; the          D. 不填;不填

(  ) 2. Tina gets on well ______ her classmates.

A. for              B. to             C. at               D. with

(  ) 3. He can ______, so he wants to join the Swimming Club.

A. swim               B. draw      C. write            D. sing

(  ) 4. Jim is a teacher and he ______ Chinese in a school.

A. teaches             B. watches      C. plans            D. calls

(  ) 5. Alice would like to ______ an English teacher in our school.

A. are               B. be             C. am                      D. is

(  ) 6. —Can you ______ English?

—Yes, but only a little.

A. say              B. speak        C. talk                D. tell



七年级下册英语课后练习题之Unit 2  

Unit 3 How do you get to school练习题:七年级下学期英语  


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