


我们应当充分发挥组织者和引导者的作用,威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了初一上册英语第七章同步练习,欢迎阅读与选择!

1.Come here, I’ll teach you to finish the work. __________, you find some paper, _______ cut the paper into four pieces.

A.First… and then     B.Firstly … and then C.First… and        D.Firstly … and

2.—________ do you watch TV every week?

—Less than(少于) two hours. I often have much homework to do.

A.How many         B.How much C.How long         D.How often

3.________ I go to work on foot.

A.Some time         B.Some times C.Sometime         D.Sometimes

4.In order to save water, we should _____ the shower while washing hair.

A.turn on          B.turn off C.turn down         D.turn up

5.He often writes ________ his old friends.

A.on            B.in C.to            D.for

6.My brother often chats online and ________ emails on the computer.

A.send           B.to send C.sends           D.sending

7.His father is searching ________ information for his report(报告).

A.to            B.for

C.in            D.do 8.Would you please ________ here?

A.not smoke         B.not to smoke C.don’t smoke       D.no smoking

9.—________is your birthday? —It’s on February 24th.

A.When           B.What time C.What date         D.How soon

10.Let’s _____ the last cake. You will have half and I’ll have the rest.

A.prefer          B.enjoyed C.share           D.saved

现在是不是感觉威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备的初一上册英语第七章同步练习很关键呢?欢迎大家阅读与选择!


《A trip to the zoo》七年级上册英语第六单元同步练习  



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