七年级上册英语第五单元课后训练题:My school





(    ) 1. —Who’s the boy?

—______ my friend, Jack.

A. It’s    B. This is     C. He’s     D. She’s

(    ) 2.There are four pictures ______ the wall in our classroom.

A. on     B. in     C. to     D. from

(    ) 3. ---How many students are there in the gym?

---There aren’t ______.  A. some    B. any        C. one     D. a

(    ) 4. ______ there a bookshelf in the office?

A. Are     B. Be        C. Is    D. Am

(    ) 5. There ______ a desk and two chairs in her father’s room.

A. are      B. is      C. have      D. Has

(    ) 6. On her desk ______ some books and pens.

A. there is    B. has    C. there are   D. there aren’t

(    ) 7.—Are there _______ English dictionaries in your library?

—Yes, there are _______.

A. any, some    B. some, some    C. any, any    D. some, any

(    ) 8. Thereis a _______ behind the office building. We can play football there.

A. classroom    B. library     C. playground    D. dining hall

(    ) 9. She’ got two lovely dogs. ______ is Jimmy and the other is Tommy.

A. It       B. A       C. One       D. The

(    ) 10. There aren't ______ in the classroom. They are on the playground.

A. any students     B. any student     C. some students     D. some student

现在是不是感觉威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备的七年级上册英语第五单元课后训练题很关键呢?欢迎大家阅读与选择!


初一上册英语第八章同步练习:Unit 8 Fashion




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