




Sam is eleven years old. One day, his friend Tony says to him,“I am going to __  1___a birthday party on Saturday afternoon. Would you like___2__to my party?” “I’d love to,” answers Sam. Before Sam goes to the party __3__Saturday, his mother says to__4__, “When you go to the party, you must be polite (有礼貌的).Don’t ask for food until (到••••••为止) someone___5    it to you.” Sam answers,” All right, Mum.” Then Sam___6___to Tony’s house. There are___7___children at the party. They sing” Happy birthday to you” around the birthday cake. They  have a good__8__.Then Tony’s mother gives them some food. But she forgets(忘记了)Sam. Sam waits politely__9___ten minutes, and then he holds his plate up and says loudly,”__10___,anyone want a nice and clean plate?”

(  )1.A. have          B. has       C. be         D. is

(  ) 2.A.come         B. comes     C. to come     D. coming

(  )3.A. on           B. in         C. at            D. of

(  )4.A. his           B. he        C. him          D. her

(  )5.A. gives        B. give        C. to give       D. giving

(  ) 6.A. is going      B. goes        C. go           D. to go

(  )7.A. a lot         B. much       C. lots of        D. a little

(  ) 8.A. day          B. time      C. week         D. month

(  )9.A. for           B. to        C. at            D. of

(  )10.A. Is           B. Are       C. Does        D. Do






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