


有计划的学习,会使自己更快的成长。接下来威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家整理的初一上册英语同步检测题,会是自己受益匪浅,请大家仔细阅读哦。

1.I ____ (have) a cat.

2.He ____ (have) a dog.

3.She ____ (have) long hair.

4.We ____ (have) a big house.

5.They ___ (have) a happy family.

6.It ____ (have) a short tail.

7.You ____ (have) a good teacher.

8.Elva ____ (have) two big eyes.

9.Tom ____ (have) a red pen.

10.My mother ____ (have) a beautiful nose.

11.Cats ____ (have) four legs.

12.Dogs ____ (have) two ears.

13.My father ____ (have) a blue car.

14.Everybody ____ (have) two hands.

15.I ____ (have) a model plane.

16.Lily ____ (have) a doll.

17.Students ____ (have) many books.

18.Girls ____ (have) many ski rts.

19.The baby ____ (have) no teeth.

20.They ____ (have) some fish.

二.Fill in the blank with “ have, has ”

1. I_______ __ a nice puppet.

2. He_________a good friend.

3. They__________ some masks.

4. We___________some flowers.

5. She__________ _ a  duck.

6. My father____________ a new bike.

7. Her mother___________a vase.

8. Our teacher_________ an English book.

9. Our teachers___________a basketball.

10. Their parents___________some blankets

11. Nancy_________many skirts.

12. David__________some jackets.

13. My friends__________a football.

14. What do you__________?

15. What does Mike__________?

16. What do your friends___________?

17. What does Helen___________?

18. His brother________a basketball.

19. Her sister_________a nice doll.

20. Miss Li__________an English book.

现在是不是感觉威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备的初一上册英语同步检测题很关键呢?欢迎大家阅读与选择!





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