




(    )1.Where ________ your new pants? ________ on the bed.

A.is, It’s      B.are, They are   C.is, They’re   D.are, It’s

(    )2.What  color ________ the socks?

A.can        B.do           C.are          D.is

(    )3.The girl  ________ a colorful pencil.

A.there is     B.there are      C.have         D.has

(    )4.You want it, we have it, ________ a very good price.

A.for        B.at            C.of           D.in

(    )5.We can ________ books ________ the bookstore (书店).

A.sell, to     B.buy, from     C.sell, from      D.buy, to

(    )6.The store ________ school things ________ the students.

A.sell, to     B.buy, from     C.sells, to        D.buys, from

(    )7.There ________ many shorts ________ sale in the st ore.

A.are, on      B.are, for       C.is, on          D.is, for

(    )8.________ the pants? They’re 15 yuan.

A.How many is   B.How many are  C.How much is   D.How much are

(    )9.We read $ 10as ________.

A.ten dolla r  B.ten dollars    C.dollar ten       D.dollars ten

(    )10.________ a clerk work in a store?

A.Is        B.Are         C.Does           D.Do

(    )11.We have T-shirts ________ green for only $ 8.

A.at      B.in           C.on           D.with


1.  How muc h ______ (be) the socks?

2.  Peter ______ (not like ) that green coat.

3.  What can I _____ (do) for you ?

4.  The blouse _______(be) 80 yuan.

5.  Let’s ______ (look) at that skirt.

6.  Do you ______(need ) bags fo r sports ?

7.  You can ______( buy) socks for only $ 5 each!

8.  Come and ___ ___( s ee) for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store!

9.  I want  ______(buy) a T-shirt.

10. The store _______(sell) children’s clothes.


(    )1.What’s colour is Jack’s coat?              __________

A         B    C  D

(    )2.Let’s to go and ask the girl.               __________

A     B  C   D

(    )3.The chair is between the two bed.          ___________

A   B         C      D

(     )4. How old are your father?                 __________

A      B  C    D

(    )5.That picture is at page 18.               __________

A        B C  D




人教版初一上册英语课后检测试题:Unit 6 


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