


聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,接下来威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供的初一年级英语上册第六章同步练习


(   )1.He is too young. He doesn’t know _____ for himself.

A. what to do things  B. how to do things  C. how to do  D. what to be done

(   ) 2. Those boys ____ English at the English corner now.

A. practice speaking            B. practicing spoken  C. are practicing speaking       D. are practicing to speak

(   ) 3. I want to look at his watch because it is _______ mine.

A. the same as    B. difference between    C. different from   D. different between

(   ) 4 Our school has several weeks _____ in the summertime.

A. away       B. of         C. out         D. off

(   ) 5.一Why is Tom unhappy today? 一He got_______points of all the boys。

A.the most      B.more          C.the fewest     D.the least

(   ) 6 ___ the weather ____ today ? It’s warm but windy.

A. How’s , like    B. how does, look like   C. What’s , like    D. What’s , /

(   ) 7 Taking a car is always ______ than ______ a bus.

A . faster , take    B. fast , to take       C. faster , taking      D. more faster , taking

(   ) 8. We should use __ people and __ money to do the work better.

A. less , less      B. fewest, less        C. fewer, less      D. fewer, least

(   ) 9. These coats are as new as those ________.

A. one          B. ones        C. coats       D. both B and C

(   ) 10. Can you ________ it in English ?

A. talk           B. say        C. tell          D. speak






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