


有计划的学习,会使自己更快的成长。接下来威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家整理的初一上册英语综合训练练习题,会是自己受益匪浅,请大家仔细阅读哦。

Football is a popular 1. Many games are held in different places every year.2 is a game that  all the good players want to play. It is held every four 3.Only the best team can 4 the last game.  When the World Cup starts, many people go to the games  5 watch them on TV day and night. They all get very 6 and hope that their favorite team would become the world’s best one  Football is a 7 sport. There are 8 players in each team of a game. The earliest games of football in England were not like what we know today. Games were played 9 two towns. Each team of the town had more than five hundred 10, and each team had to try to carry the ball to the other team 's town. Today some towns in England still play games like this.

1. A. exercise  B. games   C. sport  D. sports

2. A. Worl d’s Cup   B. The World Cup  C. World Cup D.  The  World’s Cup

3. A. weeks B. months  C. years  D. days

4. A. beat B. win  C. play D. lose

5. A. or  B. and  C. so  D. because

6. A. sorry  B. sad  C. unhappy  D. excited

7. A. team  B. bad C. good D. favorite

8. A. ten  B. eleven C. eighteen  D. five

9. A. and B. against  C. among  D. between

10. A. players  B. visitors   C. balls   D. field






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