《How do I write my homework》七年级上册英语第五单元同步练习



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Mingming has a computer. He likes    1    very much. He often    2 the Internet. He downloads (下载) music from the Internet. He often visits websites(网站)to get   3   for    4    homework. He also    5   emails to his good friends.  He makes many good friends from all    6    the world with the help of his computer. He likes travelling very much, so he often     7      travel plans on the computer.     8     he doesn’t download(下载) games     9     the Internet, because he   10   like computer games at all.

1. A. him    B. it    C. its    D. them

2. A. makes   B. visits   C. checks   D. uses

3. A. information  B. questions  C. answers   D. books

4. A. his    B. her    C. he    D. she

5. A. sends    B. send   C. buy    D. buys

6. A. for    B. over    C. in    D. on

7. A. takes    B. makes   C. buys   D. has

8. A. And    B. Or    C. But    D. So

9. A. in     B. from   C. to    D. at

10. A. don’t   B. can’t   C. doesn’t   D. isn’t




鲁教版初一上册英语课后检测试题:Unit 6  


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