


威廉希尔app 初中频道给大家分享的是初一上册英语课后练习题,同学们认真浏览。希望助考生一臂之力。一起加油吧!

1. —Can you connect the keyboard __________ the computer? —Yes, I can.

A. to    B. on    C. in    D. for

2. Read the text __________ and then answer the questions.

A. first    B. next    C. then    D. finally

3. You can use the __________ to click “save” to save the document.

A. monitor   B. printer   C. keyboard  D. mouse

4. What can I use __________ my homework?

A. print   B. printing   C. to print   D. prints

5. I want to use the computer.  Can you __________?

A. turn on it  B. turn it on

C. turn it off  D. turn off it

6. My father __________ computer games.

A. sometimes play      B. plays sometimes

C. sometime plays      D. sometimes plays

7. You can get much __________ about the 2012 London Olympics on the Internet.

A. map    B. picture   C. ticket   D. information

8. Sally __________ her homework in the evening.

A. doesn’t   B. doesn’t do  C. don’t   D. don’t do

9. —__________ you often __________ online?

—Yes, I do.

A. Does; go  B. Do; go   C. Does; goes  D. Do; goes

10. Does your father __________ for your holiday?

A. plan    B. plans   C. search   D. searches






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