


VI. Read and find: What are they talking? (将正确的图片代号填入小对话代号后面) (8分)

A. Han Mei: Is this your pen and your book?

Li Ming: Yes. And here’s your pen and your book.

B. –Excuse me. Is this your ball?

--No, it’s not my ball. I think it’s his ball.

C. –Look, this is my ruler.

--And this is my eraser. It’s nice.

D. Jill: Is it a pencil sharpener?

Mrs Brown: No, it isn’t. It’s a pencil.

A. _______________________

B. _______________________

C. _______________________

D. _______________________

VII. Can you read the notice?(将文中的主要信息填到横线上) (8分)


My computer game.

My name is Alex.

Please call 664-7654.

Lost:_____________ Name: ____________ Phone: _____________

VIII. David捡到一块手表,请帮他设计一则“Found Notice”,他的电话号码是:235-0286。 (8分)

IX.任务型阅读:Find the owner(阅读对话,帮他们找到自己的物品,用线条连接) (8分)

A: Look, what’s that?

B: It’s a pencil case. Is it yours, Jane?

A: No, it isn’t. Oh, I know, it’s Sue’s. That pen is Sue’s, too.

B: Is this her book?

A: No, it’s my book. My name--“Jane” is on it.

B: And is this your eraser?

A: No, this is Bill’s eraser. And what’s this, Sam?

B: It’s a ruler. It’s my ruler. What about this pencil?

A: That’s my pencil.

B: Here you are.

A: Thanks.

Sam Jane Bill Sue

X. Write a story according to the pictures.(根据图画的内容写句子) (20分)









单元测试 Unit 2 Is this your pencil? 听力及参考答案


I. 听单词并选出你所听到的单词

1. five 2. her 3. pencil 4. name 5. that 6. case

II.1. M: Excuse me, Bill. Is this your watch?


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