


A.English B.Chinese C.math D.ball games

8.What time does Harry get up in the morning?

A.At six ten B.At seven fifty C.At six D.At six twenty

9.Where does he usually have lunch?

A.At home B.At school C.At a restaurant D.We don’t know

10.What does he like in China?

A.The people B.The food C.All the things D.We don’t know


Halloween is a s 1 festival in our country.We celebrate it on O 2 31 st.On that day,we usually play an interesting game-trick or t 3 .We knock on many doors and s 4 the three words.Usually we g 5 some candy.If people don’t give us a treat,we can play a t 6 on them.It’s fun.

The second part is costumes and masks.We often d 7 up.Some children paint their faces,too.People can’t tell who is who.Isn’t it w 8 ? This year 1 will w 9 a Pikachu costume.

And I can’t forget the big party.We have the party at home.Sometimes we have many friends together.We have h 10 drinks and chocolates.But we have no mooncakes.We all have great fun at the party.

It’s a pity(遗憾)that children in China don’t celebrate Halloween.Would you like to celebrate it with us next year?


以My favourite festival为题,写一篇短文. 60个词左右.



I.1-5 B C B C A 6-10 B A D D D 11-15 A B A C B 16-20 D D B B A

Ⅱ.1.candles 2.December 3.autumn 4.holiday 5.Date

6.festivals 7.candies 8.shout 9.0ctober 10.film

Ⅲ.1.organizing 2.children’s 3.studies 4.his 5.teeth

6.cooks 7.Teachers’8.excited 9.dressing 10.some

Ⅳ.1.plays tricks on 2.celebrate.in many ways 3.make,out of

4.first time,dance 5.often takes me for

V.1.Which 2.Who 3.How 4.Why 5.Whose 6.How much

7.How far 8.How long 9.How many 10.What

Ⅵ.1-5 C B C B A 6-10 A B B B C

Ⅶ.1-5 F F F F T 6-10 C B D B C

Ⅷ.1.social 2.October 3.Treat 4.shout 5.get

6.trick 7.Dress 8.wonderful 9.wear 10.hot




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