


在竞争中就要不断学习,接下来威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家推荐英语暑假作业答案,请大家一定仔细阅读,希望会对大家的学习带来帮助!

一.单项选择。   D B C B A A A B B A A C B B B A C A C C A C C

二.根据首字母、汉字填入适当的词。   Carrots, chasing, weighs, frighten, wings, clean, exercise, tricks, anywhere, pull

三.用所给单词的适当形式填空。   mice, feeds, Bring, noisy, barks, paws, to learn, twice, fun, slowly, brushes, care, carefully, interested, frightened, hunter, weighed, us, called, speaker

四.用合适的介词或副词填空。   at, to for, about about, like, of, to, in, of, about

五.改错,下列各句中均有一处错误,找出并订正。   63. C happily 64. D too much   65. B be late 66. D playing   67. D an 68. A noisy   69. B is playing with 70. C eats   71. C needn't 72. C interested

六.句子改写。   That dog likes chasing cats.   Take good care of your pet.   Listen to your teacher.   How often should you clean the fish tank?   The two bags look the same.

七.句子翻译。   78. Most of the, stay at, by myself 79. is ringing the doorbell 80. to leep healthy, make sure, do exercise 81. am interested in watching 82. are, friend, shouldn't be afraid / frightened of

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的英语暑假作业答案,大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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