


Ⅲ. 阅读理解(20分)


Mary, Tom and Alan are going to have a summer holiday. The following are their plans for the coming holiday.

Mary                   Tom                    Alan

Where    Beijing               Spain                    Canada

When    The first week in June   The last day of May     Monday, June 14th

What    Going hiking;          Going sightseeing;      Spending time

in the countryside;

Visiting the Great Wall   Going shopping;    Watching videos at night;

and other famous places  Going camping;        Going fishing;

in Beijing;            Watching bull-fight (斗牛)  Going hiking;

Sleeping a lot

How long  About one month    Only two weeks     Until July

By plane and by bus    By boat and by plane    By plane and by train

(   )26. ______ is going to stay at home for the summer holiday.

A. Mary        B. Tom        C. Alan      D. None of them

(   )27. What isn’t Alan going to do for his holiday?

A. To watch bull-fight.  B. To go fishing.

C. To go hiking.     D. To sleep a lot.

(   )28. Tom is going to Spain on ______.

A. May 1st      B. June 1st     C. May 31st  D. June 30th

(   )29. How long is Mary’s holiday?

A. It’s about one month.    B. It’s about two months.

C. It’s about two weeks.        D. It’s about one week.

(   )30. What is the same transportation they will all take?

A. A train.     B. A bus.      C. A boat.    D. A plane.


Our class visited an old people’s home (老人院) last Saturday. Our teacher Miss Li went there with us. We met at our school in the morning and Miss Li told us what we  should do at the old people’s home. Then we went there on the school bus.

The old people there were happy to see us. In the morning, we played games w ith them. At noon, we had lunch there. After lunch, some old people told us interesting stories.

At the old people’s home, we met Wan Yi. The boy was telling jokes. Well, do you know Wan Yi? He is a young writer from Sichuan. I was very lucky (幸运的) to get his autograph (签名).

At about three o’clock in the afternoon, we said good-bye to the old people and went back home.

(  )31. The students went  to the old people’s home ______.

A. on the school bus  B. by bike  C. on foot   D. by train

(  )32. The students ______ with the old people in the morning.

A. sang songs    B. played games  C. went for a walk D. watched TV

(  )33. Miss Li and the students ______ at the old people’s home at noon.

A. had lunch  B. played basketball  C. told jokes  D. read newspapers

(  )34. The young writer Wan Yi is from ______.

A. Sichuan   B. Shanxi  C. Yunnan   D. Beijing

(  )35. When did the students leave the old people’s home?

A. At about two o’clock in the afternoon.

B. At about three o’clock in the afternoon.

C. At about four o’clock in the afternoon.

D. At about five o’clock in the afternoon.

Ⅳ. 词汇(10分)

A. 根据句意及所给汉语提示写出单词。

36. I am going to prepare for the coming English ______ (考试).

37. The soldiers  made their _______ (营地) under the tree.

38. She showed ______ (惊讶) at the news.

39. Tomorrow our school will ________ (组织) a singing competition.

40. Mr. Li _is________ (准备) for the.

B. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

41. I finished ______ (read) the book and gave it to Mary yesterday.

42. — When will the Smiths ______ (visit) China?

—Tomorrow morning.

43. Tom has a lot of homework ______ (do) every day.

44. Did you enjoy ______ (you) in the park, Lucy?

45. My mother asks me ______ (get) u p early every day.


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