


A. Don't thank me     B. You are welcome      C. Great      D. All right

30. Is there        meat in the tomato and egg soup?

A. many        B. of        C. some           D. any

31. ---         does it take you to get to school?

---It takes about 15 minutes.

A. What time           B. When        C. How far         D. How long

32. Listen! The students of class two _____ English loudly in their classroom.

A. is reading    B. are reading       C. reads       D. read

33. ---Tina, you play basketball very well .

--- ______________ .

A. Thank you   B. No, I don't   C. You are welcome    D. Sorry, I don't know

34. Dear teacher, thank you for ______ me so much English knowledge.

A. teaching         B. teach        C. teaches         D. taught

35. ---                   ?

--- It's windy .

A. How is it going             B. How is it like

C. How is the weather          D. Do you like the weather

36.---What does Peter look like ?

---He _____ tall, and he       short curly hair.

A. is; have     B. has; has     C. has; is     D. is; has

37. Oh! Look, some chicken      in the bowl. And some eggs      on the table.

A. are; are      B. are; is     C. is; are       D. is; is

38. I'd like          this evening.

A. to go to the movies          B. Going to the movies

C. to the movie               D. go to the movies

39. ---Jack, don’t eat in class.

--- _________ , Ms. Clark. I won't do that .

A. Not at all    B. Sorry     C. Don't say that     D. Great

40. Look! They are playing         chess.

A. a     B. an      C. 不填       D. the

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的初一英语暑假作业练习题,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读!





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