


2016年暑假已经到来,家长在在暑假中一定督促孩子认真完成作业和注意假期安全。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了七年级英语暑假作业阅读题,供大家参考。


Jim comes from the USA.He is now living in Beijing with his parents.He gets up at about half past six every morning and has breakfast at six fifty.After breakfast , he says “goodbye” to his parents and leaves home at half past seven. He usually walks to school. He gets there at five minutes to eight.He has his first class at eight.

Morning classes are over at ten past twelve and he has lunch ten minutes later, at about twenty past twelve.After lunch he plays with his friends.

Afternoon classes begin at half past one.Usually there are two classes in the afternoon. They finish at half past three.Usually he plays games or does other things at school and he gets home at about a quarter past three.He has supper at six.After that he does his homework and then watches TV.He goes to bed at about half past ten.

( ) 1. Jim is from_______.

A. America B. England C. China D. Beijing

( ) 2. He usually has breakfast at _______.

A. 6:30 B. 6:50 C.7:30 D. 7:10

( ) 3. Jim is ______ in a school in Beijing.

A. an English teacher B. a doctor

C. a math teacher D. a student

( ) 4. How does Jim go to school?

A. By bus B. On foot C. By bike D. By train

( ) 5. After supper he usually ______ first.

A. watches TV B.does his homework

C.goes to bed D.plays games


Look at the black car. It’s Mr. Black’s car. There’s something wrong with it now. Mr. Black is under it. What is he doing now? Oh, he is mending his car .He is good at mending .Where is Mrs. Black? Is she near the car? But I couldn’t find her. Maybe(也许) she is at home ,watching her favorite programs .The girl near the car is Kate, Mr. Black’s daughter. She is eating a piece of cake .She doesn’t care about the car .She always cares nothing .Who is the boy in the car? He’s Jim, Kate’s brother. It’s Saturday today. He doesn’t need to go to school. He wants to go to Zhongshan Park.

“If dad is not able to mend our car, even though he is good at mending, what should I do?” Jim murmurs. “I don’t want to stay at home. It’s so boring.”

1. Where’s Jim’s father?

A. Near the car. B. Behind the car. C. In the car. D. Under the car.

2. The Chinese meaning(意思)of the word "mend" is ____.

A.清洗 B.发动 C.修理 D.驾驶

3. Jim looks worried because ____.

A .They don‘t go to school today B .The park is very far from here

C. Their mother isn’t here with them D. The car can’t take him to the park

4. Who is Kate?

A. The girl far away from the car. B. The girl who is caring the car.

C. The girl who wants to stay with her mother. D. Mr. Black’s daughter.

5. What can we learn from the passage?

A. We are not sure (确定) where Mrs. Black is

B. Jim doesn’t want to stay at home because his mother is at home.

C. Kate is eating a piece of bread.

D. Mr. Black is in the car and mending it.


Hello! I'm Tommy I'm from American boy.Now I live in China with my parents and my sister.We like China and Chinese food.Chinese food is good for our health.We usually have eggs and noodles(面条)for breakfast.For lunch we have rice, vegetables, chicken and a bowl of soup.Sometimes we have some dumplings(饺子)for dinner.We don't like fast food like hamburgers and French fries.They are unhealthy food.

1.Where is Tommy from?

A.America B.China C.Canada

2.What do Tommy’s families have for breakfast?

A.Eggs and noodles B.Eggs and vegetables

C.Chicken and vegetables

3.They like Chinese food because .

A.it is good for their healthB.it is very delicious(可口的)

C.it is beautiful

4.Do they like fast food?

A.Yes, they do. B.No, they don't C.It's not mentioned.(提起)

5.文中unhealthy的反义词是 .

A.healthy B.interesting C.boring

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的七年级英语暑假作业阅读题,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读!






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