


Unit 12 暑假作业


1.His parents _________(not take) a walk every night.

2.______ your brother _____ (do)homework every day? Yes, he______.

3. When _____ your brother ____(watch) TV?

He           TV every night.

4.Jim_________(not take)a walk in the park now.

5.Where _________Jim ____________ photos now?  In the park.

6..Mr Green _____(be) a worker. Now he ____(work) in the office..

7. He      (leave)for Shanghai two days ago.

8. I saw him       (walk)on the street last night.

9. Don’t let him      (wait)for too long.

10. Thanks for _______(enjoy) CCTV show.


An Englishman was on his way home. One day, he found that he had only enough(足够的)   1   to buy a ship ticket home. He knew that it would take him only two days to   2   to England, so he thought he could   3   the two days with no food. Then he bought a ticket and got on the ship. It was time   4   lunch. He didn’t go to have it. In the   5   he said that he didn’t   6   well and went to bed early.

The next day he was too   7  . “I’m going to eat something,” he said, “even if they throw(扔) me    8   the sea.” He ate everything in front of him. “  9   me the bill(帐单),” he said. “The bill, sir?” asked the waiter. “Yes,” answered the Englishman. “There isn’t any bill,” the waiter was   10  . “On the ship the ticket includes(包括) meals.”

(  ) 1. A. food      B. money      C. time

(  ) 2. A. arrive     B. walk        C. get

(  ) 3. A. spend     B. make       C. stay

(  ) 4. A. for        B. to         C. of

(  ) 5. A. morning   B. evening     C. night

(  ) 6. A. think      B. eat         C. feel

(  ) 7. A. hungry     B. thirsty      C. awful

(  ) 8. A. out        B. on         C. into

(  ) 9. A. Take       B. Bring      C. Find

(  ) 10. A. relaxed     B. surprised    C. tired


Mr and Mrs Green had different(不同的) ideas about where to go for the weekend. Mrs Green wanted to go to see her sister, but Mr Green didn’t like to go there. He wanted to go to Maine.

“Florida is too hot in summer,” Mr Green said to her.

“Maine is a little cold,” said Mrs Green. “I like swimming, but the water in Maine is usually not warm enough.”

“Florida is too far,” said Mr Green. “We don’t have enough time to drive there. It’ll take us more than two days.”

Just then, the telephone rang(铃声响). Mr Green answered the phone. It was Mr Green’s mother. “Is that Jim speaking? Please come in the shortest time. I need help. I’m calling from the hospital in Boston.”

They stopped their discussing, and in no time(立刻) they both went out.


(  ) 1. Who did Mrs Green want to see?

A. Her mother.   B. Her sister.   C. Her brother.

(  ) 2. Where did Mr Green want to go that weekend?

A. Florida.   B. Maine.         C. Boston.

(  ) 3. Why didn’t Mr Green want to go to Florida?

A. Because it’s cold there. B. Because it’s too far. C. Because his mother was in hospital.

(  ) 4. Where did Mr Green’s mother live?

A. Florida.   B. Maine.   C. Boston.

(  ) 5. Who’s Jim according to the passage?

A. Mr Green.  B. Mr Green’s son. C. Mr Green’s brother.

四.写作 请以“A great weekend” 为题描述上周末的活动。

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