



1. She can’t swim. (改写为反意疑问句)

She can’t swim,                  ?

2. He works on a farm. (改写为一般疑问句)

he        on a farm?

3. I was born in 1990 in Chongqing. (对划线部分提问)

you born in Chongqing?

4. There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year. (对划线部分提问)

days are there in a year?

5. That’s a knife. (改写为复数形式)

are some          .

6. I had a good time last night. (改写同义句)

I                  last night.


1. If you finish __________(do) your homework, you can watch TV.

2. I met an old friend of __________(I) three days ago.

3. Kangkang is always the __________(one) boy to come to school.

4. My family feed many __________(sheep) on the farm.

5. Could you help me __________(carry) the bag?


Which, cold, walking, swimming, wear,

four, how, heavy, come, helping, hot

A. Can you tell me __________(1) many seasons there are in a year?

B. Yes, there are __________(2) . They are spring, summer, fall and winter.

A. __________(3) season do you like best?

B. Spring. This is a good time for __________(4) in the country(乡下). What about you?

A. My favorite season is summer. It’s very __________(5), but we can go __________(6).

B. Oh,I don’t like summer. The rain is sometimes too __________(7). So do you like fall?

A. Yes. It’s harvest time. I enjoy __________(8) the farmers with the harvest. But the cold weather comes soon after fall. I don’t like winter. What about you?

B. It’s too __________(9). We need to __________(10) warm clothes.


I、 选择填空

1—5  A B C B C         6—10 CAAAC   11--15 CBCCA      16—20 ABABA

II、 交际运用

1—5 CJAID    6—10 EFGBH

III、 完型填空

1—5 CCABA      6—8BCA

IV、 阅读理解

1—5 CABAC     6—10 BACAA

V、 句子改写

1. Can she   2. Does; work    3. When were   4. How many   5.Those; knives

6. enjoyed myself


1.doing    2.mine      3. first    4.sheep    5. carry


1.how  2.four  3.Which  4. walking  5.hot  6.swimming  7.heavy  8.helping

9.cold  10.wear

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