


Ⅲ、完形填空 (每 小题1分,共10分)


Johnny is twelve 36  old . He is very tall and he loves 37  basketball . His parents 38  from Anhui . Sally is small and she  39  glasses . She  40  long and curly hair . She likes   41 . She 42   hard . Dave  43  of medium height .He enjoys  44  computer games .He also loves to tell 45 .

(  ) 36. A. year                B. years`                 C. years

(  ) 37.A.play                 B. plays                  C. playing

(  ) 38.A .is                  B. are                    C. comes

(  ) 39.A.not wear             B. do wear                C. doesn`t wear

(  ) 40.A. has                 B. have                   C. is

(  ) 41.A. sing                B. sings                   C. singing

(  ) 42.A.works               B .working                C. to work

(  ) 43.A.are                 B. be                     C. is            .

(  ) 44.A.plays               B. playing                 C. to play        .

(  ) 45.A.jokes               B. joke                    C. to joke


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