


威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了有关初一年级下英语暑假作业本,供大家复习,加油哦!

(     ) 1.It’s terrible(可怕的). The cat miaowed a lot last night. It ________ a baby crying.

A.sounded     B.sounds    C.sounds like      D.sounded like

(     ) 2.             !It’s dangerous to skate over there.

A. Look over    B. Look at       C. Look out   D. Look up

(     ) 3. -_____________ your mother looks in the new dress!

-Thank you.

A. What a beautiful  B. How a beautiful    C.What beautiful    D. How beautiful

(     ) 4. Yesterday I met Amy____________________.

A.on my way home  B.in my way home  C.on my way to home  D.in my way to home

(     ) 5.The moonlight is shining(照耀) in ____________ the window. Everything in the room looks so nice.

A. over            B. across            C. through         D. past

(     ) 6. —  ___________Mr Zheng ___________ Beijing last week?

— No, but he ___________ Beijing with his son next year.

A. Did; visit; visits                  B. Did; visit; will visit

C. Does; visit; visits                 D. Will; visit; will visit

(     ) 7. After stopping the car and drinking some water, Tom__________ feel sick________.

A. didn’t;no more  B.didn’t;any more   C.did;any more   D.不填;any more

(     ) 8. He____________ down the hole and _____________ very sad.

A. fell, feels        B. felt, fell          C. fell, felt          D. felt, felt

(     ) 9.---What do you like about our school?


A. Very nice       B. Very much.       C.I like it.    D.The students and teachers.

(     ) 10.There are three books on the floor. Please __________________.

A. pick up them    B. pick it up         C. pick them up       D. pick up it

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的初一年级下英语暑假作业本,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读,加油哦!

好消息:威廉希尔app 为了方便七年级学生更好的学习和交流,为大家准备了七年级暑期作业相关内容,欢迎广大学生查阅!希望通过这个平台我们的成绩会有新的突破!!!点击即可查阅。





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