


一放假就打乱了原来规律的生活作息,因而时常感觉空虚和无聊,整天萎靡不振。所以,威廉希尔app 编辑了第二学期七年级英语暑期作业,欢迎参考!

(  )1.----, ________,where’s the hotel?    ---It’s next to the bank.

A. Here you are    B. Excuse me      C.Sorry

(  )2.My friend ________of medium build and she ________of medium height.

A.has, has    B.is , is       C.has  , is

(  )3.--How is your vacation, Sarah?  ---________.

A. It’s pretty good      B.It is very much      C.It’s hot

(  )4.It’s a big man_______ a big nose.

A. have         B.with      C.in

(  )5.He helps his friends _______ their English.

A. in    B. at  C. with

(  )6.Listen! Some girls ________ songs in the classroom.

A. singing  B. sing   C. are singing

(  )7—Let’s have oranges. — ________.

A.That’s sound good   B.That sound good

C.That sounds good

(  )8. ---What do you do?   ---_______________.

A. I  work  hard    B. I’m  a  sports  reporter

C. I’m reading the newspaper ad

(  )9.---It’s time for class.

---Let’s         .

A.begin   B.begining   C.beginning

(  )10. --- What about       to the park this weekend?

---Sounds good!

A.go       B. went   C.going

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的第二学期七年级英语暑期作业,大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!

好消息:威廉希尔app 为了方便七年级学生更好的学习和交流,为大家准备了七年级暑期作业相关内容,欢迎广大学生查阅!希望通过这个平台我们的成绩会有新的突破!!!点击即可查阅。





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