


暑假来了,请同学们愉快的度过整个暑假。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了初一暑假生活英语指导答案,供大家参考。

完形填空 (共10个小题,每小题1分)

Jim is my good friend.His favorite sport is basketball, so he 31 plays basketball with his friends 32 weekends.

Jim lives in Zhuzhou City.It’s a beautiful 33 .There are many tall buildings(建筑物) and wide(宽敞的) streets.There are also many supermarkets.People can buy things in 34 .

Jim 35 in a middle school.He gets up at 6:30 every morning.Then he eats his 36 .He 37 the bus to school at 7:30.He is a good student.He likes math,and he thinks it’s 38 .

His parents are doctors.They works in the same(同样的) 39 .They are busy,so Jim often helps them at home do some housework(家务).Sometimes Jim 40 delicious food for his parents.

31.A. never                B.always                     C.sometimes

32.A.on                   B.at                         C.in

33.A.school                B.country                    C.place

34.A.it                    B.them                       C.him

35.A.studies                B.works                     C.teaches

36.A.dinner                B.lunch                      C.breakfast

37.A.takes                 B.stops                      C.gets

38.A.difficult               B.interesting                 C.boring

39.A.restaurant             B.bank                       C.hospital

40.A.cooks                B.does                       Chas

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的初一暑假生活英语指导答案,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读,加油哦!





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