


在酷暑中迎来了学生的暑假生活,孩子们渴望知识的灌溉,所以接下来威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家推荐七年级下英语暑假作业答案,希望大家好好阅读哦。


一. CBADC DDCCC CABC无 CDBBC   二. 21. There is, Lucy's 22. that speaking 23. doesn't, any 24. with   25. does, look 26. have, time 27. Which girl 28. will visit   29. with 30. What's   三.31. second 32. to get 33. waiting 34. don't know, to do 35. is, lying   36. bookshelves 37. to leave 38. to be   四.39. capital 40. above 41. between 42. twentieth 43. dream   44. shower 45. cupboard 46. own 47. million   五.48. shares, with 49. sounds great 50. third 51. call, back   52. would, like, palace 53. wants, next to, hotel 54. climb, ladder, get into   六.CBCCD CACAD   七.ABAAC

英语练习二   一、1. change 2. tastes 3. tired 4. hungry 5. exercise 6. seldom   7. healthy / healthier 8. vegetables 9. important 10. energy   二、1. dancing 2. to cook 13. to be, playing 14. to see 15. feeds   16. bringing 17. to read 18. isn't 19. healthy 20. is running   三、31-40 BBBAB CBDDD 41-50 BBDAA DCCCB   四、51. Eating, isn't good for 52. on the Internet 53. sweet snacks any more   54. Good luck with 55. less than   五、EAFDB   六、61-70 DACCD CCCAD   七、CDBC

英语练习三   一.1. western 2. sunny 3. pollution 4. minutes' 5. less   6. good 7. golden 8. hungry 9. ninth 10. paintings   二.BCBAB CBCDC BDACD BBCAAA   三.32. videos 33. kitchen 34. pollution 35. souvenirs 36. western   37. .second 38. wooden 39. tidy 40. hospital 41. underground   四.ACAAC BDACA   五.CBBCA ABDCB   作文范文   My hometown is Danyang. It's very beautiful and it's in the east of Jiangsu province. It takes 15 minutes for me to walk to my school. There isnot much pollution here because there are not many factories. I hope you can visit here. I will show you around my hometown and my school.

英语练习四   一、用所给词的适当形式填空:   1.quickly 2.friendly 3.surprised 4.across 5.robbers   6.knives 7.Whose 8.turning 9.wooden 10.Suddenly   11will visit 12.are starting ,Shall cook 13.coming, will begin   14.talking 15.to carry 16.caught 17.take 18.playing   二、根据句意及首字母提示完成下列单词:   19-23 1.through 2. Shall 3. past 4. across 5. traffic   三、选择题:   24-28 D A D B D ,29-33 C C C D C ,34-38 B D D A B   四、句型转换:   39.won't join 40. Take turning right 41.Don't climb 42.What is do   五、根据汉语提示完成下列句子:   43.how to 44.turn right 45.out of 46.Walk straight on until   六、完型填空:   47-51 C A D D A , 52-57 A B C C B   七、阅读理解:   57-61 D A A C C   八、书面表达:(略)

英语练习五   一. 吴老师给七年级一班的同学出了些单项选择题,你也来做做看好吗?(15`)   1-5 BCDAA 6-10 ABCCD 11-15 DCBCC   二 Millie和Amy正在谈话,你能帮助他们完成对话吗?(5`)   1-5 BCDEA   IV. Millie正在读一本旧书,这一页有几个字看不清,你能帮她选出来吗?(10`)   1-10 D A B B D D A B C D 三 阅读理解。(10`)   A. Mr. Wu正在让七年级一班的学生阅读一篇关于鸵鸟的文章,你也来试试吧!   1-5 C D A B B   B. 七年级一班的学生正在进行阅读比赛,你也来试试看吧!   1. When it open its tail.   2. In the forests of southern Yunnan Province.   3. use, to make   4. 它绕着它的女友跳舞,好象是说   5. D   四 词汇(20`)   A. Millie正在做家庭作业她有几个单词不会写,你来帮助她一把吧!   1. amazing 2. lightning 3. elephants 4. frightened 5. himself   B. Mille不知道该用什么形式的词来填空,你来帮他一把吧!   1. without 2. unusual 3. took 4. careful 5. to do   6. its 7. surprised 8. children's 9. funny 10. lovely   五.改写和改错。(15`)   1. have no 2. Is there anything 3. return, to 4. How interesting the   5. is fond of 6. took me, to play 7. belongs to 8. take good care of   9. When do 10. dislikes

英语练习六   一、 用所给词的适当形式填空:   1. ourselves 2. twelfth 3. careless 4. friendly 5. robbers   二、 选择题: B C A B A B C A C B C D B D C   三、 动词填空: 1. sing 2. are climbing 3. won't come 4. lives 5. to run , caught 6. will find 7. to finish , working 8. to kill   四、 完成句子: 1. What fine 2. Shall go 3. long,does, take , to do 4. having a good time 6. the way to

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的七年级下英语暑假作业答案,大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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