


我们已给本学期划上一个圆满的句号,又迎来了丰富多彩的暑假生活。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了初一英语暑假作业答案,供大家参考。


一、1-5BBACB 二、1、government 2、Unluckily 3、waste 4、interview 5、present 三、1、since ago 2、used to be 3、How long has taught 4、Has had yet isn't anything 四、1、borrow have lent 2、How much 3、life is better than 4、Have seen any exhibition recently 5、It is since 五、略


一、1、southern 2、dictionary 3、service 4、fresh 5、feeling 二、1、Has been 2、taught 3、married 4、missed 5、will feel 三、1、too to 2、has had for 3、How long has lives 4、has arrived at since 四、1、learn past present 2、turned into 3、an interview with 4、hasn't heard from 五、DDBA


一、1、clapped 2、speed 3、restaurant 4、symbol 5、excellent 二、enterence 2、attractions 3、shiny 4、visitting 5、performers 三、different from that 2、to see 3、has been dead 4、has been over 5、show me 四、1、has been to 2、use to afraid harmless 3、have a bird's-eye view 4、return to have kept 五、BCEDA 六1、i 2、7 3、traffic police 4、the hand of clock 5、then


一、1、education 2、marked 3、grammar 4、knowledge 5、service 二、1、correctly 2、sleepy 3、bored 4、introducing 5、writed 三、1、What do to do 2、How often do 3、don't think is 4、easy fast touse 5、was designed 四、1、nothing wrong with connet keyboard to 2、will become more difficult the higher 3、give out leaflets to raise 4、organized a charity show poor areas 5、Why not advertise 五、略

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的初一英语暑假作业答案,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读,加油哦!





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