


学期期末考试很快完结,接下来就是假期时间,威廉希尔app 特整理了初一年级下册英语暑期练习,希望能够对同学们有所帮助。


1. What ________ ________ (其他动物)do you like?

2. He sleeps ________ ________ ________(白天期间), but ________ ________ (在晚上)he gets up and eats leaves.

3. Molly is ________ ________ ________(十二岁)now.

4. We have great salad ________ ________ ________(也,而且)soda and cola.

5. I ________ ________(与......打交道)people and money.

6. He never ________ ________(停止谈话).

7. Mr Green ________ ________(努力工作)every day.

8. Yesterday she ______ _______ ______(呆在家里)and _______ _______(阅读).

9. They ________ ________ ________(开晚会)last night.

10. For most kids, the weekend was _______ _______ _______(混合)of fun and work.

11. It was an interesting ________ ________(谈话节目).

12. Last month, he ________ ________ ________(散步)with his cute dog.

13. Old Henry ________ ________(寻找)his dog yesterday.

14. What's ________ ________ ________(在.....前面)the classroom?

15. I like soccer, basketball, swimming,  ________ ________ ________(等等).

16. Xu Qian loves to ________ ________(讲笑话).

17. Jonny Dean ________ ________ ________ ________(有一新形象).

18. Mr Smith ________ ________ ________(对......友好).

19. He often ________ ________ ________(给......讲故事)the class.

20. Some people are ________ ________(照相).

21. There are many people here ________ ________(度假).

22. We all ________ ________ ________ ________(过得愉快)in the park.

23. They often ________ ________(去购物)on weekends.

24. A small boy was crying ________ ________ ________(在角落).

25. I ________ ________ ________(步行回到)the hotel.

26. We ________ ________(决定)play tennis in the afternoon.

27. What do you ________ ________(认为)sports shows?

28. Please don't ________ ________ ________(迟到)class.

29. We can ________ ________ ________(听音乐)after class.

30. There are ________ ________(成千上万)women soccer players in China.


1. ________ (he) favorite food is hot dogs.            2. Would you like ________ (eat) salad?

3. Don't let the boy ________ (draw) pictures on the wall.

4. The man looks very _______ (friend) .  5. One of the _______ (run) wears black shoes.

6. This is the ________ (begin) of your English study.

7. Mary likes ________ (play) chess very much.

8. ________ (not take) the book out of the library, please.

9. What about ________ (go) for a walk with me?

10. He really enjoys ________ (read) very much.


1. What does he look like? __________________________________________________

2. __________________________________ ? They are in front of the post office.

3. What is the girl like? _____________________________________________________

4. __________________________________ ? He's our English teacher.

5. What's in the schoolbag? __________________________________________________

6. __________________________________ ? She's twenty-six years old.

7. How was your vacation? __________________________________________________

8. __________________________________ ? I did my homework at eight o'clock.

9. Did the waiter work hard? _________________________________________________

10. __________________________________ ? They are thirty dollars.

11. How was the weather yesterday? ___________________________________________

12. __________________________________ ? The boy in blue is Tom's brother.


1. We don't play soccer every day. (用now改写为现在进行时)


2. Our school has thirty-seven classes. (用there be结构改写)


3. Tom goes to the beach with his friends. (用last weekend改写)


4. I'd like a mushroom pizza. (改为一般疑问句)


威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的初一年级下册英语暑期练习,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读,加油哦!





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