


聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,接下来威廉希尔app 为大家提供的英语七年级下册暑期作业。


1. How much _____ ( be ) these things?  2. He can ____ ( do ) Chinese Kung Fu.

3. I like this movie. The movie is very _____  (  interest).

4. My sister _____ ( not like ) tennis.  5. Can you help kids with ____ ( swim)?


1. _____there any pencils in the table ?  A. Is         B. Are     C. Do      D. Does

2. My uncle comes home very late in the evening. He is very____  .

A. small      B. busy     C. hot     D. nile

3. Mr brown likes football very much, _____he doesn’t play it.  He often watches football games on TV.        A. and       B. but       C. so      D. or

4. When is your birthday? ------ My birthday is _____.

A. in 1991    B. on Monday  C. March  6 th   D. twelve

5. ____do you get up ?    A. What     B.  How      C. How much   D. What time

6. Where _____ you ______ from?

A. are, come  B. are, coming  C. do ,come  D. do , coming

7. “_____ do you like science?” “ _____ it’s interesting.”

A. Why ,Because   B.  What, So  C. When, But D. How, Because

8. September is the ____of the year.     A. nine   B. nineth    C.  ninth  D. nineteen

9. They come from ____. They speak ______.

A.Brazil ,English    B.Argentina,  Spanish    C.France, Portnguese    D.Canada, Japanese

10. She often goes swimming ____ Sunday morning.   A. at  B. in C. on   D. for

11. Could you help ___, please?    A. he  B. she  C. her  D. his

12. John’s parents ______to work _____7:20 ____the morning.

A. goes ,at ,in B. go, in, in C. go, in, at D. go, at, in

13. How much ___the black pants?    A. are  B. is C. do  D. does

14. Those are my ___. They are on the dresser. A. key   B. keies   C. keyes    D. keys

15. ---Can her aunt play the guitar?   ---- No, she ____.

A. can  B. can’t    C. doesn’t   D. is


1. sweater, not, this, my mother’s, is    ___________________.

2. want, she, does, dance, to   ______________________________________________ ?

3. a lot, Chinese history, learn, can, I , about  __________________________________.

4. your, subject, what, favorite, is   __________________________________________?

5. go to bed, usually, time, does, she, what  ___________________________________?


1.His new movies is Danger Zone.                2.Look at Tom’s and Mike’s desk.

3.“Who’s the man” Miss wang ask me.  4. This is my friend. He is 12 year old.

5. We’re in the same class . We are classmate.


A: Hi, Can I _____you?                 B: Yes, please. I want to _____the art club.

A: Good May I _____your name?       B: Jones.

A: ____your first name?                 B: Cindy.

A: How ____are you?                   B: Twelve.

A: How can we ___you ?                B: My e-mail ___is cindy jonmes@163.com.

A: Can you draw?                      B: Yes, a little. I want to learn _____art.

A: Here ___a card. Please fill it ____.      B: Thank you.


My ____1____is Liu Ying .  I’m a school girl. I__2__in a middle school. There are lots of girls __3__my class. I go to school at seven ___4____the morning. Classes begin __5___7:30.  We have four __6__in the morning and two in __7__afternoon. After school we often play games. In the evening I  __8___my homework. Sometimes I __9___TV. But I _10__a lot.

(   )1. A. sister    B. daughter  C. mother   D. name

(   )2. A. work    B. study     C. teach     D. stay

(   )3. A. in       B. at        C. from     D. of

(   )4. A. in       B. on       C. every     D. all

(   )5. A. on       B. abort     C. at        D. in

(   )6. A. class     B. classes    C. the class  D. schools

(   )7. A. a        B. an       C. the        D. /

(   )8. A. does      B. do       C. doing     D. make

(   )9. A. look at     B. see      C. watch    D. am watching

(   )10. A. love read  B. likes reading C. like read D. like reading

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家提供的英语七年级下册暑期作业,大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!





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