


C. Mr Black's friend                     D. Mr Black's grandson

49. Mr Black thinks life is _______.

A. more comfortable now                 B. not as good as before

C. the same as before                    D. better than before

50. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Few people are using the Internet now.

B. The traffic is very bad in all the cities.

C. Some families even have two or more computers.

D. It is a problem to park cars in some cities.




1.If the maths problem is too difficult,_______(无一人)of us will work it out.

2.Unlike my sister, I am a terrible_______(厨师).

3.A big factory_______(倒)dirty water into the rivers last year in my hometown.

4 Six _______(百万)people travel to work by underground each day.

5. R_______ to close the windows when you go out.

6. It is d _______ to play football on the street.

7. He opened his eyes w_______ in surprise.

8. My dog is very strong and w_______ over 20 kilograms.

9. Many boys in my class want to be_______ /'saien tis ts/when they grow up.

10. The little baby was_______ /'fr ai t n d/when the robber climbed in.

11. She rushed to the_______ /' e k s i t/when the building was on fire.

12. He was very sad when he _______/m i s t/the last bus,



1. He got a letter from his father every week when he was studying in Beijing.

He _______ _______his father every week when he was studying in Beijing.

2. Can you tell me the way to order a comic book on the Internet?

Can you tell me_______ _______ order a comic book on the Internet?

3. My sister takes her dog for a walk every day.

My sister _______her dog every day.

4. Ten years later, Paul didn't become a famous pop singer.

Ten years later, Paul_______ to become a famous singer.

5. The fantail goldfish isn't the same as other goldfish.

The fantail goldfish is _______ _______ other goldfish.

6. It took the firemen six hours to put out the fire.

The firemen _______ _______ six hours _______ out the fire.



1. We look forward to _______(plant) more trees in April this year.

2. We _______ (stop) for a while to take some photos. so we were late for the meeting.

3. Our school uniforms are quite different from _______(they).

4. On his _______ (twenty) birthday, he got an i-pad from his father.

5. Now more and more young people want to work in the _______ (west) cities of China.

6. Last week, my little brother got _______ (lose) and cried in the park.

7. There is _______ (little) water pollution in Wujiang than in Shengze.

8. My little brother is crazy about _______(play)computer games.
















1. 新房子在一座公园的对面,每天早上可听到鸟儿欢快歌唱;

2. 新房子有两个房间,和弟弟合住一个房间;

3. 房前有个球场,放学后和同学一起踢足球;

4. 远离大城市,空气洁净;

5. 离学校很近,5分钟步行就可以到达学校。

My Dream Home

Hi! everyone! The flood washed away our house, but l was very lucky to stay alive with my family. Today I want to tell you my dream home.




That is my dream home. I'm looking forward to having it one day!

威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的暑期作业英语七年级下册,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读,加油哦!





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